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Banned. (Denied)

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I got banned cause i was breaking NLR Rule twice , but i got rdm´ed in greenzone by "milan" thats why i came back to talk with him, i know it was wrong and i ask for a unban it will never happend again.

in-game name: simon

Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092710709/

Player id: 76561198092710709

date i got banned: 13-03-2015

Time i got banned: 10.47

Rule i broke: 6D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!

Why i should get unban: ive spended 107 hours on that server (all what i got on arma) and i donated and stuff cause i really like the server and i will never break the rules again and i applyed as police officer but i hadnt played long enough....

Third ?, i got banned only 1 time cause i was knew and i was walking with a spike trap and killed some peoples with it i didnt knew they could do that, i would just put it on the ground.

1st chance is when you join the server. Second chance is after you got banned for the spike incident. This would be your third chance if you get approved again. 

You only get one appeal no matter what you think you did or didnt know.

You broke NLR.

Twice, 1 you claim was RDM, fair enough... but you then carried on demanding your gun back from a hobo that picked it up.... you got killed by him after roleplay... then did it to him again...

i though i was in safe zone in both on the road but likely i says im not... i dont know if u can do 1 more unban but thats all im asking for i just donated to the server cause i really like it but its your job do what its best for both...

So there you go. We do not give third chances. Hope you find a server that suits you.


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