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Banned (Denied)

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I was at athira with GnC robbing people and steph spawned in athira as we noticed so we approached her and took her hostage, we took her out of athira and took her to the field  and we was rp'ing quite well with her but then i started to ask for her nationality and she replied with Germany, i'm half polish and i replied to her that i'm polish and that her family gassed mine. At this point i really got carried away and started being racist which was really unnecessary toward the person, i carried on accusing her off being part of the holocaust and we asked her for her name, she replied with some random name and i carried on being a dick, still carried on after she said 'are you sure?', obviously i carried on and i said that she has to pay for her mistakes, so then i was going to execute her but before i even got the chance to kill her i got banned for being racist.

After realizing what i have done, on how i behaved and acted so stupid. I regretted everything i done and i'm truly sorry for any inconvenience towards insulting Stephanie and the rest of the community for having to hear these obnoxious words, I will never do this again, i shall read all the rules over again and again im truly sorry of my actions. I hope i will have another chance to be able to enjoy my time and care put into this community with my friends.

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Just No.

You should be so ashamed of yourself you shouldn't even be posting about an unban request.

Just 3 days after remembrance day.....

I was deeply disappointed when I heard this had happened. 
I have spoken to both Michinky and Steph, and I can honestly tell you guys that he's really sorry for it.

It was horrible on his part, and it's something you don't easily forgive this, pretty much something you don't actually.. I still hope we could forgive him.

As he said himself, he got really carried away since him and Steph go way back.

Anyways Michinky you're a prick, but I still hope you'll get unbanned as you are after all one of my (ex)?gangmembers.

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Ban 1 - I'll leave  here, just for reference. (Thanks Shepred for linking this)

Ban 2 - Racism... the war ended 72/73 years ago and remembrance day was only 3 days ago.

Ban 3 - Abuse towards an admin and insulting every single person of this community with your completely idiotic comments.

The comments you made were undoubtedly completely utterly stupid and insulting to anyone in the UK & EU, the fact when you came into the room you felt you should of been warned first and you didn't know what you was banned for.... I could sit here and tear you a new asshole but i can tell from your voice you are very young and very likely still at school so i suggest you pay attention.

Your not welcome here.

Ban request denied

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