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Banned by mistake (Awaiting Wilco Decision)

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Well-known member
Your In-game name:


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Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter):


Date & Time you was banned:

20.05.; somewhere between 00:00 and 10:00 gmt

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

none, ban was handed out for suspected money hacking

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

Hey there, I understand it looks a bit fishy that I made a lot of cash in not too long of a time, and that you ban first in such cases and ask questions later. Could the admin who banned me please check the money logs to confirm im clean as a whistle? And would you please freeze my donator status while the investigtion is pending?


I wasnt the admin who banned you however your account has been cleared of money.

How did you make your money and how much did you have?

Ill try to get the banning admin to post here.

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I wasnt the admin who banned you however your account has been cleared of money.

How did you make your money and how much did you have?

Ill try to get the banning admin to post here.
Only by drugs, it was about 117-118 million last time I checked

Does this mean, that Tesla did all those Weedruns for nothing o_O i feel bad for you m8, all the hours of work you put to get number 1 on the server -.-

I will move this to awaiting action to see if someone can do a log check on your account.

I have discussed this with @Wilco (and @Ntesla) at some length. My personal view is that Ntesla is possibly clean, and has been a very busy boy with the weed, and racking up £800k scores by banking weed in his house and selling at good times, in bulk. I've done the maths on his account, and the length of time  he's been playing this server (about 80hrs), and the average selling price of the weed (3k+), and it seems to me that he is at or very near the maximum amount possible, assuming each weed run takes no more than about 20 minutes, and that he has done virtually nothing else while on-server. His 120M figure is just about 30M short of the absolute max possible, in that time.

Wilco is less convinced, and as yet, I have not had a decision from him on whether to unban Ntesla. We both agree that if this is a genuine example of weed-running capability, then perhaps the weed prices need to be nerfed a bit, because the growth rate is too high. It may just be that Ntesla is extremely careful with his money...

For the record, I have checked Ntesla's garage contents - and my apologies for airing his 'business' in public, but sometimes we have to:

12 Tempest Covereds (£85k donator, £225k normal = £1.02M/2.7M ),

1 Tempest Device (£440k),

2 Zamak Covereds (£40k donator, £120k normal = £80k/£240k),

8 Sport Hatchbacks (£50k donator, £200k normal = £400k/1.6M)

an SUV (£40K) and

an Offroad (£7k donator, £14k normal),

which is quite a collection.

Assuming everything was bought at donator-prices, before the recent donator cost changes, that'd total up to £1,987,000 - and if it was bought normally, it'd rack up to £5,034,000.

Although it looks as if we have another Lord Montague of Beaulieu in the house, starting up another motor museum, the fact is, that even if all these vehicles were purchased at full price, this - plus the amount of cash he had - would still have totalled up to about 25M less than my theoretical max earnings for his time on the server.

However - the crux of this is that 20 minute weed-run. We may need to confirm that, and we might need to know from the cops how many times he's been busted for weed-running, etc, just to see whether his fines or time in jail might have affected either his max spending, or his ability to have done those runs.

Ntesla has possibly been just a very, very busy bee, and very lucky dodging the cops (or only running when there are few online).

I will leave the final decision up to @Wilco.

Update - turns out I/we may have been wrong in our original view that NTesla had only been on server for 80 hours. I have a feeling that came from a Steam profile readout of ARMA3 hours played... can't remember. Wilco - can you remember where that figure came from?

Anyway - turns out that NTesla has been on our servers for a significantly longer period of time, thus making all the above calculations somewhat wasted - but in essence, given him even more room to have achieved this level of income perfectly reasonably.

I've also had a couple of PMs from players who have rolled with him, vouching for his modus operandi (i.e. weed runner pretty much exclusively) and acting as character witnesses in terms of his RP and compliance with other server rules.

I'm really of the opinion that this guy is straight up, tbh.

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I believe NTesla was reinstated by Wilco a couple of weeks ago, but was still awaiting the return of his cash. Not sure how this panned out, but I have seen him on the server since, so I'm putting this thread into the 'actioned' folder for the time being, or it will rot in here forever.

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