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Banned, blamed for something i didn't do.

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New member
So I'm new to the server and I'm enjoying it. Bring three of my mates on to play with. We get some clothes and head to the car shop to start some mining and get money together. In comes a Scottish guy and his mate chasing my friend telling him and me to get on the floor. So a cop sees and holds them up because the Scottish guy called me and quote "a little faggot" so we move on and get a car. So were driving off and my mate starts laughing at them. Then he blames me for the above comment and i retort "you deserve what your getting because you were chasing me and my friend to try and rob us so fuck off" granted i did tell him to fuck off, but i was a little angry at the accusation. Probably should have just drove off but... Few minutes down the road I'm banned and he's not? 

If i can get un-banned that would be awesome, i probably won't talk at all in the in-game chat and stick to Skype with my mates, if not we can go elsewhere i suppose. Sorry for the long read.

Hmm... sounds like you ran into Jay, but it could've been any number of Scottish loonies on this server. Not that it's their Scottishness that makes them loonies, of course.

Anyway... there's probably more to this than meets the eye, but I think you've spent long enough in the sin-bin. I'm prepared to unban on this occasion, with a couple of conditions...

The ban was most likely nothing to do with swearing at the other guy - that's a routine event round here. It may have been a delayed ban as a result of an RDM report from a completely different person at an earlier time. Perhaps you can think back and tell me if there's anything else that might've been the cause.

Conditions: - this is your last chance. There is no third chance after this. Make sure you DO use in-game voice or chat (in direct communications mode, not side chat or global - they are not roleplay areas), or you will very likely end up being accused of RDM again. Any sort of killing where no roleplay (RP) has been established or seen or heard, is likely to be reported as RDM.

I will need to see your BattlEye GUID and the exact text of the message you see when the server kicks you upon rejoin. Note, I mean the BATTLEYE guid, not your ARMA3 player id starting with 7. PM me those details and I'll unlock the ban. I will ignore the PM if you send me your ARMA3 id instead of your BE-GUID.

Nothing heard in 5 days. Clock is ticking. Respond by midnight 14th May or the ban will stand - forever. Thanks.

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