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bank gone

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so i go log into today walk to the atm and i seen i have 0 cash 0 bank so i relog and its still not there i wanna know whats happend i lost so much wonga.


Hi Campbell,

Please see - 

Sorry about any delay, I am responding slowly to everyone now :) its a task!

Can you advise why you had 19,000,000 ?... the richest person on the server below you had 5.5 million at the time.... 19 million is excessive seeing the server / db is only 2 months old... 

There might be a valid reason, hopefully you can give me one so we can get this restored 

yh i had  19m because of the amount of activitys i done u can ask people like ninja and carl roberts the amount of things we done as ive robbed many people for alot of cash and just collected over time ive spent many hours on this server 

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That's 55 cocaine runs in a Mowhawk and about 42 straight hours of gameplay using the best money making method available.

Assuming you didn't buy the Mowhawk and never payed the 100k each time you got it out of couse.

Or you robbed 19 people of 1 million.

mitch dont u get smart acting like your top bollox why u on here anyway this got nothing to do with u mug

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Lets not get our hangbags out over this.

Mitch has got a point, its a hell of lot of money to have so early on in the server's life i would just like to know how you have Quadruple the amount of the other rich active members ?

no being funny or anything do u know how many hours i spent grinding at the coke fields with my team getting coke b4 all the dealers changed 

I have known Campbell for a long time now and have played many hours with him on this server as I know last time I spoke to him he had 18 million which is normal for Campbell as he plays this far too much, in our time playing we have done many coke runs before the dealer change as it was very easy to do as well as doing other things like robbing people. I only have 6.5 million (I think :s) but this is because I buy a lot of things and don't play as much as him ^^ I am 100% sure that is legit money and that he should stop playing as he needs a time off from this game.


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Ok that's fine, It was done as a precaution during a cleanup of the DB... we caught out a number of money hackers.

The figure sent alarm bells ringing.

I have restored your money.


you can fund my event im gonna put up for sunday xD

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Tax the rich! Tax the rich!

Bury it well, girls... for the harbinger is coming....

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