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Banana - Compensation Request.

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In-game name:Banana

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561198058995977


What was lost:cash and a pickaxe

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 214.411 in cash and 1.200 the pickaxe

Quick description of what happened:me and my buddy were heading back to the airport from a ship wreck run to store out money and on our way back the server restarted and i lost 1 item and cash here pictures

crash : http://gyazo.com/545214870a03fdd37a101d18c13e64e0
inventory : http://gyazo.com/01b15ed6ba9c785ce91095e99f87cb46
when i got back in : http://gyazo.com/a5377ba7147505d7b9f8f8b5c5e89ff0
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