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Ban Appeal=Gisli (Unbanned 19/02/2015)

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Your In-game name:Gisli

Your Steam Profile ID:IFS_GisliEinar

Your GUID:a08d7a6065ce48ce7a79c948c6e46ee6

Date & Time you was banned:12/02/2015

Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Rule 6

Section A


Rule 5

Section B

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I admit that i broke two of the server rule....at that time I hadnt read the server rules at that time too much and I thought then i wasnt doing a thing thats was forbitten on this server,im an old player on Armas RPG gaming for many years.What happent was that i just bought this gun and a house and most of my money was spended and i was heading to Kavala.when this guy Superhitmandan and his friend shot me dead by the handgunshop close to Kavala and unfortunatley I got pissed off and spawned back for revange on him,found him by the bank in kavala and shot him dead...just in the moment of anger and didnt realize that i was breaking a rule.But now i know that and im sorry about that and tried to tell Superhitmandan that later with no reply but that doesnt matter now.

Im hoping for that i will be unbaned and i promish to act by the rules in game.

best regards


If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

It'll be good your being unbanned as long as you understand you did wrong gisli

As it didn't seem like it when you posted your rant the following day

Have you calmed down now and have you read all of the other rules?

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