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ban appeal - des (Awaiting Player)

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Your In-game name:


Your Steam Profile ID:


Your GUID:


Date & Time you was banned:


Please copy and paste the rule you broke:

Combat logging

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:

This was the first time i had broke a rule and i fully regret my actions.

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I closed arma while in the back of a police car so in that respect yes, but I had my reasons I followed all the instructions given to me at the time and pulled over stright away after having a orange jump suit glitched to me, but i was just given abuse from the moment i steped out of the car such as "are you mentally ill" and i soon took offence to that and what i seen as a veble attack towards me not my in game player but to me the player.

I play for fun and not to be shouted at and abused verbally so I "rage quit"

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Oh how the world turns. As I was the player who reported you in the first place it would not be fair for me to action this as I would not let you back on the server because even now you are lying about how things went down.

For the admin who does want to look at this please see all of my verbal abuse (there was none) on his report:

There was no abuse, it's a game too so you need to accept roles.

The reporter attempted to settle this dispute in regards to the prison jumpsuit, however I cant see that thread as it no longer exists.

If you did leave prison in a jump suit, the usual act would be to get some real, nice, fresh clothes. You were even given this opportunity to go and change your clothes with the officer, I'd also expect if you'd asked for a little help buying those clothes, the reporter would of helped in this too.

Instead you got "stroppy" about being caught for something that may well not be intentionally your fault, and refused to cooperate.

If, as per your request, you felt things were "abusive" this isn't the place for you, and you may as well withdraw your unban request.

If not, how can we be assured you wont do this again (causing more hastle, disruption and work)?

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Oh fuck off you Scottish cunt you know what you did that's why you cut the vid after you did your whole "I'm a police man so I can bully you" role its not hard to show a video from the start witch would have been from when you said "pull over" I only wanted to go on and inject my .pbo file a nuck the map... So please take this from a British citizen go shove your fucking blue a white flag up your arse you loud mouth fail at a life cunt

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