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Ban appeal (Denied)

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Vladic Ka, sthepanie said that she would think about it.
I dont admit NLR because I dont broke that rule.. Telos service statiton to Paros is more longer than 1km.
What I said is that maybe I broke VDM, but I just try to take again my truck. I try a different way but they kill me twice whitout one word and then I try to crash my vehicle against MY truck.

I've talked with stephanie and Im waiting for her.

You dont understand NLR.

Let me quote and highlight the main part here:

Rule 6: The New Life Rule

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death.

The only exception to this is your wanted level, In our latest release bounty levels are now persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases... without this we wont have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person and the person being on the run for weeks/days.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially.

6A) A new life starts, when

  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has died in a RP situation.
  • Your character has been involved in an accident
6B) A new life does not start when

  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM (Unless inside of the RedZone)
  • You disconnect (end of session)
6C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!

6D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!

You broke 6C and admitted to VDM. If @Steph ♥ has anything to add I will leave this open but its pretty black and white for me.

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It was very late yesterday (or early) and I couldn't think straight anymore that's why I said I will wait till I make the decision.

I just didn't want to get anything wrong on this (happens to me if I am tired.)

But no Vlad - nothing to add from my side.

The Problem is i tried to explain to you yesterday that you can not solve rulebreaking with breaking rules yourself.

You just did not accept this. 

There you go. We have rules in place for people who obviously dont understand the rules and you, unfortunatly, are one of them.

Please have fun wherever you end up playing and ensure you abide by their rules but altislife.co.uk is not the server for you.


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