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Bachir breaking NLR

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Insert dank meme here.
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Bachir
Time & Date this happened: roughly 1:45 AM UK Time
Description of what happened: I pulled Bachir over in my tempest, about 100 meters up the road from the Garage in Kavala, I asked him to get out the car and get down on the ground, I then asked him to put his hands behind his head, and he got back in his car and tried to drive off so I shot him for failing to comply, around 3 minutes later in the center of Kavala near the bank he shows up, therefore breaking the NLR rule, the place were he died was 580 meters away.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I tried to explain the NLR to him but his English is quite broken so I am not sure if he doesn't understand or if he was just playing stupid, I explained the rule to him fully and he did not leave the area and just denied breaking any rules, he did mention he was just banned and got unbanned, I understand he is probably on a final warning now so I think maybe permanent closure of his account would be too much however I think someone explaining this rule to him or getting him to review the rules would be appropriate in this situation.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

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After my death I waited Physician

But did not come

 i click respawn i found Myself there 

What does he want me to i fly

I told him I know the rule

win i click respawn i found Myself there 

But he insisted that I broken   

hi not explained the rule to me all wat hi say go to forume


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win i click respawn i found Myself there 

What does he want me to i fly

I told him I know the rule

win i click respawn i found Myself there 

But he insisted that I broken   

hi not explained the rule to me all wat hi say go to forme

When you respawn you have the option to choose where you spawn, any of the 3 recognized spwaning cities or the VIP Zone (if you're a VIP), you broke the rule knowingly spawning in Kavala, even if you did spawn in Kavala you still could have left the city and returned in 15 minutes instead you come dancing around the main gathering spot near the bank and say you have not broken any rules.

You must know by now, that people who hang around in Kavala, will always spawn there again. If he came back and shot you, then I'd see this as a reportable offence. But from the sounds of things, he's just hanging about nowhere near his deathzone, doing completely unrelated stuff.

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i tall you win i click respawn i found Myself there 

you haf com fast man wat i say to you thankes man You are awesome

god work

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There is nothing to i say  admin He decides

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