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Awight Lads

Hokay so I finally got round to puttin' this up.

A lot of you ugly muggs have already had the pleasure of meetin' me, so I'll cut the crap. My name is Arg, RJ, or Mr. Kalloway if I'm pointin' my shoota at ya chevvy chase. I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to make some bread an' honey so my kids can get the education I never 'ad the chance to get. Since my wife died in the war I 'ad to bring 'em up myself, which is all too tough for a man like me. So excuse me for bein' a loud cunt but I can't afford to fuck up their lives as well as mine. Treat me with respect, and I can be reasonable. Treat me like shit, and you'll wish you 'adn't.

I understand many of you know my bruva, who has a bit of a different outlook on life - lucky for you. Although I don't really see him much, or care for his business much, he's still family. So if any of you mugs try takin' him for a ride, I'll find ya, and make sure you find out what's what.

Pleasentries aside, I do enjoy this island, and wanna keep it an enjoyable place for all. Don't forget we're all 'ere to have a laugh, so if you fink I've over stepped the mark feel free to let me know, an' I'll see if I can't sort you out with a little somefin'.


Pleasentries aside, I do enjoy this island, and wanna keep it an enjoyable place for all. Don't forget we're all 'ere to have a laugh, so if you fink I've over stepped the mark feel free to let me know, an' I'll see if I can't sort you out with a little somefin'.

I feel you overstepped the mark. 

£1Million and we'll say no more about it. Lovely jubbly. 

In other news: Hello Sir! 

Oh good heavens Reginald what would Mother say if she were alive to read this?? God bless her soul..

Please excuse him, he can be a little uncouth at times. I had the luck of being raised in Kensington, whereas dearest Brother here had the difficulty of being 'raised' in Hackney. We're worlds apart in both mien and disposition, and yet I feel this unrelenting bond with him... I guess that is what family is about.

I wish you all the best. Not you Reg, the people that will have to put up with you.



I welcome you to our beautiful islands my good sir. I am the PeachMaster, the one TRUE prophet. Everything related to peaches goes trough me and my acolytes. To feel and taste the wonderful peach you must first get my blessing, touching or even stealing my peaches will end very bad and you will see your stay on our island might be short lived...
