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Okay, I'm not telling anything. This morning Ravenoth is just sending me this video and he said this is our last chance. I'm asking now, why didn't post this shit? Oh wait because of its full of nothing!

I'm not arguing with the mindless ones. I want to see this shit for admins. I'm sick of this shit. If you guys crying like that, I can take my whole clan and move away.. There isn't any proluge of the videos and talking RDM.. By the way, fake 911 call is smart. I really appricate this. 

I'm just respecting to Wilco, Ed and the Athira police force for their efforts but these cryers are really sick me. I'm bored. 


Okay, once upon a time (Thats the beginning of Athira Police Force vs. ATWA RP) one of my man is captured by Maratek. They took him to the Athira Police HQ. They just took him incostudy for 15 minutes. I was there with my OP marksman rifle and I was scouting them. I almost going shot them but then I recognise there was a GreenZone and I didn't shot. When situation ended I was talked with Maratek in TS. I said, I was there and I just scouting you guys but I didn't shot because of GreenZone. And he responded: Yea, you can wipe us out because you just rescue your fellow friend from foes. 

Thats the explain. So, case closed. 

They weren't even arresting him.....

least he would of been cautioned, Most forced to give his weapon up.

Does that really constitute opening fire? In the greenzone?

I mean is there any point trying with be policeman with you? You pals with maratek well thats nice, really, but i havn't once heard any of your gang actually speak in game ever, If you had the same approach to Athira than you do with us you wouldn't of had made friends.

Where does that leave roleplay? For us we get nothing from ATWA except Black screens and 15 minute wait times.

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The roleplay with ATWA has been going on for weeks now, its a constant storyline roleplay with a massive back story of people getting taken hostage, executed and death threats made towards certain other cops.

Its pretty in depth. 

Then why aren't we seeing it? I fucking love to roleplay.

Mitch can you comment on 0:30 Greenzone RDM when PAT just wanted to roleplay? 

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I'm just trolling. Because I lost my serious RP soul. 

That is the RP. But I accept, I don't want to be a dick.. When I was offline, my team is going lose control of their acts.. Because of 2nd in Command of my clan is so agressive to the police forces. Everyday I'm talked with them. But this situation is going to mess everybody's gameplay experience. From my view if we have mistakes about it, I'm apoligize for ATWA. But guys, you have some mistakes too..

Yea theres no illusion PAT make mistakes from time to time, But good thing is we have promising new recruits who are working well together every day i see an improvement from PAT. 

Love the videos man.

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Dragonfly, your roleplaying was great when I came across you on occasions which is what makes the game fun - roleplaying. However the rest of ATWA have just been RDM'ing which is a shame.

Dragonfly, your roleplaying was great when I came across you on occasions which is what makes the game fun - roleplaying. However the rest of ATWA have just been RDM'ing which is a shame.
Oh thats cute.. How kindly.. But rest of my team is doing great RP as well as me.. Just you all guys approach them crowd and fully automatic assault rifles.. They can be paniced sometimes. =) 

Oh thats cute.. How kindly.. But rest of my team is doing great RP as well as me.. Just you all guys approach them crowd and fully automatic assault rifles.. They can be paniced sometimes. =) 
There is like 3 members in ATWA who speaks english << So it just leads to one of the english speaking guys getting arrested telling the rest to kill everything and everyone?

When we guys capture a cop of yours, you'll just opened fire. When you guys capture one of my man, we opened fire. 2nd time case closed for you. Please leave this topic before I call the security..

where is RDM ? all the vedio was RP ?  guys grow up and stop crying ;/

I'd love to know how shooting someone without saying anything is "RP"

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