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ARK: Survival Evolved

Mr Cardoso

Awesome Portuguese Guy!
Hello everyone,

A member of this community approached me asking if i was going to get this game, which i said i don't have time for another game, since i can't put the necessary hours into it.

I also said to him if enough people of this community get the game, i will reconsider it.

This is the official trailer:

Tell me what your thoughts are on this game!

Looks amazing! Will definitely look into this & get it when it's not too expensive and I can scrape together a few euro's :D

@Mr. Cardoso No can do for now then, but I will await some reviews and look into it again somewhere in august around my birthday. =)

At the moment I have to say I'm not really enjoying it. The frames are horrible, I'm pulling ~30 on the lowest graphics possible with my GTX 760 which perhaps isn't a super high-end card, but still the game looks like a freaking PS2 game on low. I really hope they will do some serious optimizing for it.

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At the moment I have to say I'm not really enjoying it. The frames are horrible, I'm pulling ~30 on the lowest graphics possible with my GTX 760 which perhaps isn't a super high-end card, but still the game looks like a freaking PS2 game on low. I really hope they will do some serious optimizing for it.
Thanks for that important review @Grym

Was about to say the same thing, game concept is great but the reviews on performance are terrible.

Seems to be the case with most games these days.

With all this being said, steam recently introduces refunds. If you play less than 2 hours you can refund it.

9.5/10 game especially considering its a day or two old. Also, they're putting out constant updates

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After DayZ (and ultimately h1z1) i have given up on early access 

even rust as well, i've owned it since it was released and i had played 2 hours if that up until this week 

so im going to hold off on this and let it get a bit more development behind it

i played it a few hours and i think is nice and im gonna be playing a lot more when they fix the frames. and how to fine your friends.. :D spend 3 hours trying to find a server and friends on the server :D

You just gotta select the same spawn points, and use those beams for navigating, then its not so hard to find your friends :)

I agree, the frames are bad, but I still enjoy playing it. If the frames are too bad for you to enjoy it, there are some ini files that will improve it, just google for it.

I think the game is increddibly awesome, and I love the whole level aspect of it, and how you can tame animals to ride on or fight for you. There are so many crafting possibilities, but since its all unlocked as you level up, its easy to manage.

Going to buy this tonight and give it a go, would love to team up with anyone on here
Currently debating getting it myself too, seeing as my son just bought it for himself I'll prob end up getting it. Will give you a shout if I do.

Currently debating getting it myself too, seeing as my son just bought it for himself I'll prob end up getting it. Will give you a shout if I do.
I bought it and played it for 10minutes and i dont like it whatsoever, feels clunky, rushed and laggy


At the moment I have to say I'm not really enjoying it. The frames are horrible, I'm pulling ~30 on the lowest graphics possible with my GTX 760 which perhaps isn't a super high-end card, but still the game looks like a freaking PS2 game on low. I really hope they will do some serious optimizing for it.
 You should of had read the previous top comments lol :p

I bought it and played it for 10minutes and i dont like it whatsoever, feels clunky, rushed and laggy

I agree some what but seeing as my lad bought it I'll stick with it to amuse him, hopefully they'll improve it but feels like its got along way to go yet.

I've put about 45 hours into this game so far. And what I have to say is that the developers are Very active and are releasing constant updates to fix the optimization issues. In the servers I've encountered many people and none of them were hostile. (Except for the one riding a T-REX and ate my house)  Some of the dinosaurs on the other hand are extremely hostile. Its only going to get better over time.

I went and bought the game again about 4 days ago and i am very impressed in how much its improved.

I am loving the game right now, as mclaren said when you meet people they are somewhat friendly and you should be more worried about the dinos than humans (especially fast movers like raptors/sabretooths)

If you want to join us then feel free ti msg us on steam, we have a nice little base going.
