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are you guys just gonna let this happen?

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PLF Ceebozz

PLF Blanket Ban
okey so i join the sever after being killed by bad rp..... lost all my money and my truck....i can live with that....but then these assholes come and do it all over.. i have a video of them killing me 4 no reason.... i did exactly what they told me to do and still end up dead... please talk to these Fµckers and get them to play the game like its supposed to be played.

ingame name of the (not so kind) gentlemen that helped me to the grave is:

1.PT-s amir 

2.PT-s harlequin


admins can ask me 4 link to the video on youtube.

Send the link, although there is a template for this that you should be following.

Use the template... and the admins will see and take conclusions. With video, you have strong evidences.


hello mr. ceebozz im [PT-s] Amir from the game, and im the guy you complaining about.

i understand you say im a roleplay breaker or making it "bad roleplay"?

how if i may ask?

we came to the handgun store and we saw you there we told you to drop your gun and lay down.

you did lay down but you kept aiming on my friend harlequin.

i really dont know if you made "exact things" we said but here is my point of view:

1- it was not a safezone and all rob or killis legal as long as it not rdm which was not.

2- me and my friends told you to drop the gun which appears you dident since we couldent find a gun on  the floor.

3- you could of talk to us or atleast write somthing.

since you dident talked and just stay in your corner and if you did drop the gun and it vanish so or other you could tell us in voice chat "ok i dropped it" or "ok i made it please dont kill me" and you know what?

atleast write down "i dropped" we talked to you and i even count untill 3 for you and decided to stay quiet.

im not sure your complaining because of "bad roleplay" perhaps you just mad ?

for the admins now : im sorry if there was any RP break but me and my buddy were unable to know if hes following our demands because of our point of view, the position he took and mainly because he dident talked to us or respond for somthing we told.

I just want to ask you ceebozz if you complain about bad RP if you yourself done it just ask your self what kind of person will not answer and beg for mercy when they are getting robbed I really don't understand this and if you don't have a mic at least you can write something down its not that hard and all of that will not have happend. PT-s Amir didn't notice you putting your gun in because he was behind the counter I would understand if it was in an open area but it wasn't so I don't really know what are you complaining about if you yourself have done bad RP

meh 20 seconds? by the time u mute TS, change channel, and turn up the volume, all in this time he did comply to what you said, and if the shooter cant see when he shoots him that he has no gun out, wow just wow, what did u gain from it? a rook? gg lads gg lol

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tell you guys the truth, im also using teamspeak and i have no problem talking if somebody is robbing me.

another thing is that he dident was in teamspeak as you could hear in the video.

third thing is that we dident ment to kill or rob him he aimed a gun on us and we dident wanted to die.

i really dont understand what RP broke here if you by yourself dident talked to us and just kept stay there 

not mention that this is still leagl for us to kill you if we saw you threat on us by that you dident drop the gun or answerd us.

and that i still gave you period of time to answer or atleast react.

I admit that that was bad RP from our side, and we took action way too fast.

     - We will try our best to avoid this kind of situations, and i hope we can go with WARNING on this one.


I gonna close this one.

If you want to fill out another report make sure to use the template.
We waited long enough.

Denied - 09/12/14

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