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Apop( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Johannesburg, South Africa
Hey whats up from South Africa guys.

So just joined the server, looks bloody amazing so far and I'm sure I'll be here a while. So little about myself... 

Yeah I'm born in South Africa, not entirely a third world country and I promise I don't have AIDS. I'm 14 years old but I think I'm rather mature and not too squeaky... I've been playing ArmA for around a year now and have at least 350hours in Altis Life, mainly on South African servers. I left those servers as I was looking to get involved in a larger community even if my ping is terrible. Looking forward to see some of you guys in-game or I'll see you on teamspeak.pls say hi to me i dont wanna be alone.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So far in-game I am another one of those retarded hobos who likes to harass the medics and show everyone their mating call and attempts to summon Satan...

Feel free to send me some money, all proceeds will go to my goal of being the largest silkworm farmer on Altis. srsly tho send me some cash, im lazy as fuck

Anyways see you guys in-game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hey whats up from South Africa guys.

So just joined the server, looks bloody amazing so far and I'm sure I'll be here a while. So little about myself... 

Yeah I'm born in South Africa, not entirely a third world country and I promise I don't have AIDS. I'm 14 years old but I think I'm rather mature and not too squeaky... I've been playing ArmA for around a year now and have at least 350hours in Altis Life, mainly on South African servers. I left those servers as I was looking to get involved in a larger community even if my ping is terrible. Looking forward to see some of you guys in-game or I'll see you on teamspeak.pls say hi to me i dont wanna be alone.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So far in-game I am another one of those retarded hobos who likes to harass the medics and show everyone their mating call and attempts to summon Satan...

Feel free to send me some money, all proceeds will go to my goal of being the largest silkworm farmer on Altis. srsly tho send me some cash, im lazy as fuck

Anyways see you guys in-game ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I lmfao xD 

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