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AOC Kieron Ban Appeal (Denied)

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Your In-game name:  [AOC] Kieron VI

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561198202176720

Your GUID  89e4dfdcbd9e32a96b572ab8adc37cea

Date & Time you was banned:  24/06/2015 19:54

the rule you broke: the kid that got me banned is called neon he broke rp and when my mate killed me he came back and killed me and about 10 mins later he was talking to me again and threatening me so i called him a 'pakie' this is because i was angry and didn't have time to argue with kid about i killing him he previous life and i got banned straight like 3 mins after even when he was breaking rp and i just called him a word that have no meaning people might have took it to offence but i didnt and if the admin just told me what i have done wrong i would of apologized and it wouldn't of happened if he didn't break rp and i wouldnt of got angry and called him a bad word im sorry and pls take in consideration i have ADHD and cant control my anger and before i just got banned he's mate rdm me 

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: i have a condition that effects my anger problems and as he broke the rule and got away with it and i said 1 word it was a nice word im not inpressed in what i said but i love the server and its a new day and a new chance and i think you should give me this chance to behave and my anger wont effect my words ever again i regret what i have done as i love arma altis life 

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I am the admin that banned you, you called two people "Pakie" (I may be American, but I know this is considered a derogatory term.) Multiple people in game said "Hey the government doesn't like that language around here, they might deport you." and others told you OOC including myself in Side Chat. Your response to other people was telling them to shutup. Roleplay or not, it's a term that people are offended by, and if you're going to insult people use neutral terms that are not derogatory or racial in any sense. Also if he was breaking RP, you should have done a report on the forums. Two wrongs don't make a right.


This is another topic.

As per the other one denied, Racism is not tolerated here.

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