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Anonymous Ewe - Perm ban by Vladic (Denied)

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Anonymous Ewe

Please enlighten me as to why I have been perminently banned by Vladic.

The only information it said was I have been given a perm ban by : Vladic Ka : Appeal at AltisL.

Driving a quad... lol, you were the one to ban me so surly you are able to shed some light onto your reasoning.

Ah! You were not showing up as a player for me when you drove past me out of the south of Kavala IE: no player box or spectate option. You then drive back and VDM'd someone in the square and I wasn't taking any chances. You could also talk in side even after I banned you. Your name never showed but your slot number did.

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I dont remember running anyone over... So I'm perm banned because you couldnt see my name? Great. Well thanks for your admin abuse.

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Admin abuse....

Really ?... he just said you ran someone over, he also has suspicions as your nametag was not showing... i remember being in the channel and my response was yes ban him.

Its not admin abuse.


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