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An NHS medic's typical day?

Hello everybody! I'm currently applying to be an NHS medic and was wondering if any NHS medics can describe a typical day.

More specific:
Which medical terms do you use?
How do YOU roleplay while reviving a player? 

First post here so sorry if anything I wrote is not up to the standards. 

Had a session once where I was shot. I roleplayed that the kevlar caught it but I had a collapsed lung, so the medics took me to the hospital...

....and replaced my lung with a plastic bottle.....

Medic terms... People are very in to having problem with their butt. Today I had to put marmite TWICE on a guy's butt cheek. So uh.. mostly butt-terms.

I can't tell how many times I had to get things out of peoples butt holes. The ten foot log the other day was a real challange. It's a hard and nasty life being a medic. But you know, someone has to do it. 

As long as there are things in Kavala for people to stick upp their ass I will continue my job. My goal is far from in reach. One day, one day I will succeed.


Medic terms... People are very in to having problem with their butt. Today I had to put marmite TWICE on a guy's butt cheek. So uh.. mostly butt-terms.

I can't tell how many times I had to get things out of peoples butt holes. The ten foot log the other day was a real challange. It's a hard and nasty life being a medic. But you know, someone has to do it. 

As long as there are things in Kavala for people to stick upp their ass I will continue my job. My goal is far from in reach. One day, one day I will succeed.

Not to mention the seatbelt and pillow that eventually ended up in yourself...

You can't really describe a typical day due to the ever changing role-play that people use. I usually never run across the same RP Scenario more than once a day.

A good way to see what a typical day is like, is to go on a ride along. Simply message someone on teamspeak who is the rank of MD or above if you can have a ride along and I'm sure they will say yes!

medic is fun you hear all sorts of different story's, once I replaced someone's leg with a chicken drumstick...

Which medical terms do you use?
How do YOU roleplay while reviving a player? 
If you like, I can take you on a ride-along, allow you to see some of my roleplaying! xD

My main medical terms tend to change on almost a daily basis, that's the beauty of the job.

Whilst reviving a player, I tend to try and make up some unique roleplay on the spot - none of this.. your bottom hurts? let me put some cream on.

Sometimes, as Medics we may setup checkpoints to do quick pit-stop medical exams just to give someone a bit of a better day, we in the NHS do always try to improve peoples days, every day!

If you'd like a ride along with me, I'll be around Thursday Night, Friday all day and all of next week :)

If you like, I can take you on a ride-along, allow you to see some of my roleplaying! xD

My main medical terms tend to change on almost a daily basis, that's the beauty of the job.

Whilst reviving a player, I tend to try and make up some unique roleplay on the spot - none of this.. your bottom hurts? let me put some cream on.

Sometimes, as Medics we may setup checkpoints to do quick pit-stop medical exams just to give someone a bit of a better day, we in the NHS do always try to improve peoples days, every day!

If you'd like a ride along with me, I'll be around Thursday Night, Friday all day and all of next week :)
I would love that Mickeey!! I'll be online later tonight then. (thursday night)

Hope to see you do it with the NHS and later on the Police, go as far as you can on this server because this is one of the best servers to move along in and do really cool things with your time!
