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AltisLifeUK - Plug.DJ

PC Robert

Lead Mentor
Scotland, UK
Ever wanted to listen to music, and play your own songs as a community?​
Why not try out our Plug.DJ music room!​
Plug.DJ is a website that allows you to listen to music with a large audience of people, and also allows you to join the DJ wait-list so you can play your own songs!​
If you would like to come and listen to music with the Admins/ Police come check us out at​
All you need to do is sign in with your Google/ Twitter or Facebook account and that's it!​
See you there!​
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Due to my wifi being so shit (Wifi stealing duns bastards) I can't really be on this and play as it fucks up my ping, but trust me I will form a meh revolution and it shall be glorious.

Anyone else not getting sound from it anymore?

Works again. :p

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