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Altislife.co.uk and what it runs.

Does anyone happen to know what host altislife.co.uk use for their 3 arma 3 servers? Any replies are great welcomed and you will be sent cookies ;)

Well I can tell you... but I will need to kill you!

What works for us might not be any good for you, What do you want to host and what problems do you currently face ?

@WilcoI was running a test server for arma 3 which I try custom stuff on, but the host has had too many issues and its starting to bug me, I usually have like 40 people on these test servers and was just wondering if I was able to find yours and use it.

Btw your awesome much love no homo

@Scott notices youwe use zare.co.uk, Some people may consider it "expensive" but we use it due to the custom hardware config we can have as well as the second to none ddos protection in the UK.

The datacentre is also in Bristol and it also mistakenly falls in my ethos of supporting local companys :) We also we now have a really good relationship with Jordan the owner

@Scott notices youenjoy! we have 5 dedicated boxes with them and 2 vps and I cannot recommend them enough. 
Right that's it i'm dumping OVH, of course im not but i'll retain a vps with OVH and check out this other company of yours in bristol.

Oh hell yea ... All servers are protected from up to 600Gbps of DDoS via global filtering PoPs. Psst in case your unsure that's an amazing DDOS protection amount size

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@Wilco do they do VPS'? Are they the cloud servers? I own a VPS from cheapwindowsvps and it's terrible. Do these run windows?

@Wilco do they do VPS'? Are they the cloud servers? I own a VPS from cheapwindowsvps and it's terrible. Do these run windows?
Norman they're dedicated servers so they run a variety of operating systems , windows , linux however sometimes you need to pay extra though to run windows because of the licenses....
