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AltisLife #1 ingame FPS / framerate


New member

I have in game rly low fps on any settings. 25-32   sometimes drop to 10.

High end RIG:

GTX 980 OC

i7 5930k

16Gb DDR4


MOBO x99 Delux

Does anyone have some decent cfg settings to increase FPS?


Try googling it, there are a few config settings and parameters to make the game run more smooth

It will be more than likely to do with the amount of players on the server

Tried already . found sum . max FPS increase by 5.  :eek:

cfg settings , in game settings, launcher settings

I believe your graphics card is fine. I personally use a GeForce GTX 650 and I run at around 20 FPS, which is cool for me, but I believe your graphics card is better? However, someone told me that ARMA III requires a lot of your CPU? Maybe look at that. 

Once again, I am not an expert at this and I might be completely wrong. Just trying to help

I believe your graphics card is fine. I personally use a GeForce GTX 650 and I run at around 20 FPS, which is cool for me, but I believe your graphics card is better? However, someone told me that ARMA III requires a lot of your CPU? Maybe look at that. 

Once again, I am not an expert at this and I might be completely wrong. Just trying to help
He has a very high end CPU ... i doubt its that

Hardware is absoulutly fine, try verifying integretiy of game cache, if that doesn't work re-installl Arma 3 and also make sure all your drivers are up-to-date!

It's just the nature of high player servers with lots of scripts and things going on. Draw distances have the biggest impact on FPS as far as I can tell but I'd rather see further than have better FPS.

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I have in game rly low fps on any settings. 25-32   sometimes drop to 10.

High end RIG:

GTX 980 OC

i7 5930k

16Gb DDR4


MOBO x99 Delux

Does anyone have some decent cfg settings to increase FPS?

There might be other factors which are degrading performance on your machine, such as background services / processes and other active applications. Do you have multiple monitors etc? I find that I can gain 5 FPS by disabling a monitor.

Honestly,  I would suggest doing a full performance analysis on your machine, try to perhaps uninstall / remove programs and services which you no longer need any more.

Do you have multiple hard drives? or just the one? Do you run shadow play on the same drive etc?

Sometimes configuring shadowplay to record and save to a different hard drive as your operating system / arma 3 install can help performance a little.

The hardware alone is no way an issue, that's a pretty mental setup.

I'm sure you've heard it already, but keep looking up tutorials for increasing the FPS. The game has a few sweet spots where certain settings work miracles. 

The hardware alone is no way an issue, that's a pretty mental setup.

I'm sure you've heard it already, but keep looking up tutorials for increasing the FPS. The game has a few sweet spots where certain settings work miracles. 
Never underestimate how a bottleneck on a HDD can severely affect performance.

Even if its an SSD, with the O/S, Arma 3, Shadowplay, An Anti-Virus with on-access scanning and various other programs, it could cause a bottleneck even with the higher performance.

If you want to experience what a bottleneck is like for performance, try and pull out a vehicle on Server #1 at 7:50pm and see how long it takes. That's a perfect example of a bottleneck, albeit its a database one, rather than a HDD..

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