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Altis News Photo Report - Meet the UNMC


Well-known member


Doing some field research for the 2nd part of my report o marihuana trafficking. I came across a truck, I followed him in hope to be a drug dealer for me to interview... as soon as he stopped the truck I realized where I was... a peach field! The man was a very nice peach harvester from the nearby zone


Suddenly a military vehicle pops. My first thought was that the poor man was about to get shot for some shitty peaches. Four polite men step out of the vehicle and ask the man why is he harvesting peaches. "Those are crap, what you need to do is marihuana" The peach man said he was afraid of being robbed by one of the many bandits in the drug business.
After a short talk they say: "We are the UNMC, and we are not going to let anybody hurt you" They decide to scort the man to do a Marihuana run, so we go to the marihuana field and stuff his truck. They made the guy a happy man!


Actually too happy and excited...


The peachman manages to save his life, the other driver sadly dies in the crash. UNMC men feel somewhat in debt with the peachman for his loss, so they decide to buy him a new truck.


They buy him the best truck in the shop. the Peachman is speechless. They scort him once again to the weed field and finish the run. He made almost 700.000 bucks all thanks to the UNMC.


The peachman leaves and the UNMC troops decide to go on patrol. This is their territory, and they keep it clean. Everything is quiet.


As we make it back to the Checkpoint, I see a man in handcuffs, Gen. Blaze aproaches me and says "The press? how lucky. A candy is on the way"


<p>The "candy" is a bounty hunter captured from hostile territory, he was working with the police trying to assassinate UNMC high rank.


Lt. White will be in charge of the execution. He loads the car machine gun as the hostages are given their last words.


The execution takes place in front of many whitnesses, some of them are civilians or disguised rebels.
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Everything goes back to normal.



Truck being checked for stolen goods. As night falls, I decide to go home and come back tomorrow.


The next day, as I am arriving the checkpoint I notice something strange, many helicopters are flying the zone and a large crowd of UNMC troops stack around the checkpoint. They have captured Police Officer Big Johnson, Cmdr. Sovereign points his weapon at him.


He begs for his life, but after more than 10 minutes talking, he is executed. The massive fire turns him into a pile of deformed flesh. The horrifying scene and the terrible story of pain and suffering that Cmdr. Sov told to the now dead cop makes me sick, and after a short conversation with the Commander, I decide to go back home and call it a day, I'll be back tomorrow.


After a relaxing morning in the beach I decide is time to go back to work to the UNMC checkpoint, I want to see how they deal with criminals inside their borders. Lt. The Shadow is in charge at the Checkpoint when I arrive. While we are having a talk, a private interrupts us to tell us that there are reports of a shooting in the drug dealer area. Lt. The Shadow invites me to hop in his vehicle to move there, and also take the oportunity to show the world that they have the latest technology. I use the commander tools in the vehicle, definately not a 3rd world warfare machinery as the Government claims.


Two civilians claim they are being shot at, they report that the fire is coming from the roof of the warehouse. Lt. The Shadow makes a show of his diplomatic skills, holsters his weapon and ask the man on the roof to come down the building for a chat.


He is very diplomatic and respectful towards the uknown shooter, but he is not willing to tolerate any kind of antisocial behavior inside UNMC territory. He warns the man that if he is caught again trying to shoot any trader he will face fatal consequences, and since there are no fatal victims, he decides to let him go.

In loving memory of Naima

Other Photographic reports:

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Wow.. just wow :D Awesome looking screenshots man! Thanks for this awesome post, keep up the good work!

I love your work, you have a master piece thing here if you keep doing stories with this awesome pictures.

was a pleasure having you in our lands , your always welcome our side of the border, as for buying your friend a new hemtt it was my pleasue

Nice man I would love to see more of your series as a photo reporter / journalist 

Zippey I can assure you this man will never return to a peach field, as we conviced him to stay clear of the "Devil's Fruits"!  :lol:

That's awesome dude!

Who needs a video when you have screenshots like this, keep up the good work man.

And as blaze said "was a pleasure having you in our lands, your always welcome our side of the border".

That's awesome dude!

Who needs a video when you have screenshots like this, keep up the good work man.

And as blaze said "was a pleasure having you in our lands, your always welcome our side of the border".
What he said man, these screenshots are mint, can't believe it

Excellent report Zaiux, can't say I expected less of you, though  ;)

Great screenshots, great editing. Glad you were welcomed into the UNMC territory.
