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Altis News By Walter O´Brien


We present you the Altis News

By Walter O´Brien

                           Today's news tell us about Kavala, Medics, Police, civilians and who as the biggest dick in the police force.

                           We will start with the Medics.

I was interviewing some civilians how helpful and fast are the Medics in Kavala. Sorry but I can't tell any names because the people could get in trouble with the police or the gangs. The first man I interviewed was very happy about the Medics in Kavala, He said they always came for him in just minuets and helped him well and he also wanted to say thanks for the lollipops and candy canes. The other people were saying the same thing so keep it up medics.

                           The next one will be the Police and the traffic.

So usually when you walk at Kavala you feel safe because you think there's police looking after you, but yesterday I witnessed a serious crime in front of the police. There was a rebel just 50 feet away robbing people and the police did nothing about  that I'm not sure if they didn´t see it or if they had better things to do. The other thing people were telling to me was that there was cars driving in Kavala and driving over people and speeding like hell and the police did nothing to prevent that. They didn´t even chaise the hatchback sports. They just let them speed and blow shit up. Another thing I witnessed was that the high ranks in the police force were using  their time driving to a mountain near Kavala and playing music and dancing, when there's people shooting in Kavala. The traffic is usually fast but in Kavala people are always in middle of the road and the cops are not doing anything about it, but it´s not easy to be a cop. So the people of Altis we now that you're doing a great job. Still keep the roads clean that everybody don´t die when people are speeding in Kavala and crashing into others.

                           The civilians and how are they treated.

I have heard from peoples that if there has been a explosion and a cop and a civilian are dieing the medics usually revives the cop first and then the civilian. Is this fair that civilians are treated like this I think no, what do you think. Should it be that the police are better than us just because they are serving the country and we´re not. This doesn't mean that they have bigger jobs then we have on this beautiful island. The people of Altis are gearing with weapons because they are getting scared that someone will rob them or try to kill them, Because there's not so many cops at the copper mine or iron. Does this mean that the police will be out numbered soon and lose their power over the island. People are starting to fear the cops because they give always big tickets or send you to jail for small crimes but the rebels are still helping the people to take the island back into the peoples control. People of Altis will not tolerate this much longer there will be a civil war soon.

                           The biggest and smallest dicks in police force

                           The biggest dick is: no comment from the police

                           The smallest dick is: no comment from the police

Thanks for reading if you enjoyed please donate some money to me. The next news will be rote on 23.12.2014 if I get 50 views on this and if people liked this.

Bye Bye this is the Altis News reporting see you in action.
