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Altis Life NHS Skin

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The King
Legendary Donator
Wowzers! I Just spent from 1am until now (nearly 7AM) working on my first ever uniform skin.

Now this is the first time I have ever tried to skin something in Arma and must say I absolutely enjoyed it! at this stage I may release this to the wider Altis Life server community or it may remain unique to AltisLife.co.uk (I am sure after a discussion with other admins here it will remain unique)

The Photos are not the best (Need to improve my Arma 3 Photography skills) :)







Please don't go too hard on the criticism however its more than welcome to help me improve this uniform

Again we follow our British theme, I went with the standard UK paramedic style Uniform, I used the below pictures to follow to come up with the skin and as a personal touch decided to stick our URL on the back with a different colour font than the usual paramedic/ambulance one (White)

I decided to give it my own feel and it has a bit of a more modern look than the standard design, Just to note I am available for hire if any marketing/uniform company's out there are interested ;) ;)

I used the real NHS logo and Great Western ambulance service crest so full credit to our country's national health service.

Here are just 2 of the examples of many I used when piecing this together.





Hope you enjoyed!

Medics are just around the corner and I will be posting more bite-sized news very shortly as we prepare for some awesome things!


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Damn, nice job for your first try.

I was trying to find something to criticize but gave up.

If the gloves can some how be removed then that would be great in my opinion, other than that it looks epic!

Is there a way to make the player look any less depressed, he just looks like he's tired of saving people's lives and doesn't want to go on, But he must

If the gloves can some how be removed then that would be great in my opinion, other than that it looks epic!
Its part of the original uniform that this is textured for. It would have to be remade around a different uniform without gloves. Unless you can find a uniform that has the same layout but no gloves (Very rare chance).

Very nice, Wilco!

Technical question - what's the underlying uniform classname? And does it feature either bump-maps or reflectivity/specularity maps (rvmaps).

I'm just thinking ahead about what systems I'll need to implement to make it render in-game correctly, across the great Multiplayer divide!

The two things i would suggest would maybe be making the white belt, white with dark green checkers like in the second image you posted. Also, making the black gloves a light blue latex type glove. However, if this is your first design i can't wait to see whats coming up in the future.

Sadly, I don't think we can reskin the backpacks with a custom texture (but I would happily be proven wrong, if someone can point me at the code).

We can, of course, entirely re-construct the backpacks and make custom addons (mods) - but that's currently not the policy of this server. We want our mission to be entirely 'stock' in terms of content requirements; no add-ons required.

So, sadly, we probably won't be seeing custom NHS packs anytime (unless, as I said, someone has inside knowledge that I don't possess yet!)

Awesome job Wilco I think it looks pretty damn good for a first attempt! Be proud young man.....be proud!

Thanks for all the comments, Cant wait to get them and the Medics on the live server :)

Sadly, I don't think we can reskin the backpacks with a custom texture (but I would happily be proven wrong, if someone can point me at the code).

We can, of course, entirely re-construct the backpacks and make custom addons (mods) - but that's currently not the policy of this server. We want our mission to be entirely 'stock' in terms of content requirements; no add-ons required.

So, sadly, we probably won't be seeing custom NHS packs anytime (unless, as I said, someone has inside knowledge that I don't possess yet!)
(unitBackpack _unit) setObjectTexture[0,"texturepath"];

The unitBackpack returns the backpack object, tested this yesterday.

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Is there a way to make the player look any less depressed, he just looks like he's tired of saving people's lives and doesn't want to go on, But he must
He's one of the paramedics that operate in Kavala and of course it has traumatized him terribly. Look at that 1000 yard stare.

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