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After being inactive it's my time to say goodbye.

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The Netherlands

Most of you guys won't know me but my time has come, I am taking the next flight away from this island.

I've had my time on the server, I've been in the police for around 10 weeks and basically some people didnt like me and they did like to talk behind my back. That has ruined my joy of the police, and I needed a break so I left the police. A couple weeks later after playing as a rebel I realized: Well.. This ain't going nowhere, maybe i should join the police back but I didn't decide to. So during that time, I had found my love for something else and slowly started leaving the server. The last experience I remember is that I stole an unlocked tempest covered from the gang TI outside of the bank, when the driver got killed. ($$$$$). I don't want to play anymore, simply enough, I am done with altislife.co.uk. 

I would like to thank you Azamai, Reece smurf and the last person I don't know for talking behind my back. 

And my buddies, thank you for being nice towards me.


I don't know if I will join this server again, but this is me signing out.

- [CSO] Tristan - [PCSO] Tristan - [PC] Tristan - [SPC] Tristan

- Tristan

Cya budd, u where a good guy, i allways loved ur RP. Anyway, have a great time

Ah that sucks man ... Such great lad enjoyed Patrolling with you And just as im coming to netherlands soon ... Luv u bud

While I want to say goodbye, and wish you good luck in the future, I'm really not sure how right it is to be naming and shaming - if you had an issue you should have taken it up with command, not just posted on the forums about whoever was 'talking behind your back'.

Anyway, that said, don't think I got to patrol with you but good luck anyway.

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