As some of you may be aware, the AFC have been shooting in and around Kavala for the last couple of weeks working on a private contract. On a shoot expected to take a couple of days, minor setbacks have drawn out production - and there's only so much light in a day. From deranged hobos shooting up the set, to police killing one of our lead actors, all sorts of things have got in the way of filming. I guess it should be expected when working on such a volatile location..
Here I present a behind the scenes look at what we must endure to bring you this feature. Here, production is interrupted by an enthusiastic cop with difficulties understanding 'real life' from 'fictional production', with near disastrous consequences!
Here I present a behind the scenes look at what we must endure to bring you this feature. Here, production is interrupted by an enthusiastic cop with difficulties understanding 'real life' from 'fictional production', with near disastrous consequences!