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Roleplay UK

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Papa John

Well-known member
none of your business kiddo
Can i link my mixtape on my profile or is that advertising?

You can advertise your mixtape but you cannot advertise any communities like arma without permission

Unfortunately, other Roleplay & roleplay servers (or people with community websites) have abused the fact we are popular. They have advertised on our website/teamspeak/servers in the past for their own gains. Because of this we have strict rules around it.

(10) Advertising - Advertising any of the following services* on our servers/website/teamspeak or social media groups without permission is bannable without appeal;

Teamspeak / Voice Services (example: Discord)

Game Servers

Social Media Groups

Websites\Other Communities

^^ This is the rule as stated, I see no problem with you posting a mixtape and maybe some of the community may enjoy!

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