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Admins Need to Step Up and take Responsibility

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New member
Hi everyone,

I'm not trying to open up a can of worms here, but this is getting silly. You openly encourage people to donate, and unfortunately for them alot of my friends have who play on your server have done so and been entirely ignored when they've had issues.

If people are commuting to/supporting your server, especially donators, the least you can do is give them support should there be any problems.

Of course I'm talking about the massive surge in lost vehicles/licenses lately. The first instance of this was reported 26th March and still has not been addressed. That's 4 days ago, and not a single **** seems to have been given.

I've just counted fifteen threads in this particular sub-forum, and atleast 5 of them have replies from other players stating they've had the same problems. You're talking over 25 different players now just at a quick glance, it's undoubtedly more than that if I counted further - it's certainly not an issue on our end and we've given you ample opportunity to reply and yet nothing.

Notice the huge lack of players in your server the past few days? It's driven a huge group of the community away and the longer you leave it the worse it's going to get. IMO it's a despicable lack of care given to your community and especially the people who've worked hard for their (real) money and given it to you to support your server/mission.

This is a parting note from me and a few others who'll remain nameless, this could have been sorted days ago but for some reason it's just been ignored. I wish you the best of luck with your server, and enjoy the money you've received from my pals - shame you couldn't have put it to good use (ie. working overtime to find a cause/fix).


oh, and;

inb4 good riddance

inb4 name your friends

inb4 you didn't support give me money pl0x

inb4 we're working on it (should have said this a long time ago)

It's been fun playing with you,try again next week if your still considering playing here. That's what I'm doing.

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it as well but I'm staying as I've already donated

I'm not trying to open up a can of worms here
Not happening, no worries

but this is getting silly
You have no idea how right you are!

and been entirely ignored when they've had issues.
You do not donate for faster / exclusive support. More on that later. 

If people are commuting to/supporting your server, especially donators, the least you can do is give them support should there be any problems.
We do not prioritize donators, and we never said we did.

I've just counted fifteen threads in this particular sub-forum, and atleast 5 of them have replies from other players stating they've had the same problems. You're talking over 25 different players now just at a quick glance, it's undoubtedly more than that if I counted further - it's certainly not an issue on our end and we've given you ample opportunity to reply and yet nothing.
Let's just say you are right with the numbers, they don't sound too sketchy at least. It is "nice" that you gave us the opportunity to handle these kind of problems. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way you think it works. 

The problem with losing stuff is not about us not doing anything about it (which is 50% true, I'll explain later). It is about the save mechanism not working like we want it to. Thing is, our devs are on it. But - we had a lot in queue before we spotted that problem and that needs to be finished first, because we can't just drop a half-finished patch. It is actually more complicated than that, but that is what it comes down to. 

What I mean by 50% true is that we do read these reports and we check the logs, to verify the problem we spotted. I mean, it could be something else or another problem we might have not yet identified. 

The devs are working on it. Let that be the answer to the accusation that we don't do anything about it. 

Notice the huge lack of players in your server the past few days? It's driven a huge group of the community away and the longer you leave it the worse it's going to get. IMO it's a despicable lack of care given to your community and especially the people who've worked hard for their (real) money and given it to you to support your server/mission.
Yeah well, this is, excuse my language, utter bullshit. Actually, we did not really have a drop in players. There was a small down, but that is related to several restarts during peak-times. We actually identify problems with player numbers and keep track of it. 

Also, what you say is standing against the fact that the amount of donations are going up - and not down.

This is a parting note from me and a few others who'll remain nameless, this could have been sorted days ago but for some reason it's just been ignored. I wish you the best of luck with your server, and enjoy the money you've received from my pals - shame you couldn't have put it to good use (ie. working overtime to find a cause/fix).
The fact that you say your friends will stay anonymous weakens the strength of your arguments a lot. Not only that there wouldn't be any repercussions (I mean, why?! Do you think we will ban you or something?!), it is also entirely baseless. There is literally no reason for those people to stay anonymous.

So let me just summarize this:

  • We are taking notes of players problems equally: Donators and Non-donators. A donation is an appreciation of a work been or being done. You did not buy "premium support". We do not offer that kind of stuff. All players are equal to us - and I think it's a good thing. 
  • We are checking the logs which takes a huge amount of time to go through. We are not yet compensating losses, because other people could just jump on the "I lost stuff"-train. Until we can identify these problems in a way that we can exclude "fakers" 100%, we won't compensate losses. I am not saying never, I am just saying not yet.
  • Making a huge claim (which you are doing. It is like "A lot is lost! Huge amounts of players affected! It's so big that you already lose players!") and then not coming forward is no help at all. You are trying to prove something here, without actually providing proof. You just gave us a rough number of people who apparently had the same problem. I am pretty sure that at least some people there got their stuff back by now (or at least the equivalent amount of money). Problem is: When a problem is solved, 99% of the people won't come back and say so. They will just enjoy playing and forget about their thread. 
In conclusion, I tend to close this thread and disregard it as "Whine", because you are not only exeggerating - you are also claiming something without proof. Yes, a save problem exists and we are on it. No, it doesn't affect as many players as you think (wish!?) it does. Most players are ignoring the server restart announcements or the waiting time on save data synchronization. And of course they won't admit it in the end. 

That was ruthless... dude you're the apex predator of the forums

In follow up to this all reports have been replied to and the following is now in place

Template: ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>

Turnaround times: ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>

Not happening, no worries
Happened. You got mad, apparantly.

We do not prioritize donators, and we never said we did.
Never said you did either. Nor do you appear to give a single fuck about them.

Let's just say you are right with the numbers, they don't sound too sketchy at least. It is "nice" that you gave us the opportunity to handle these kind of problems. Unfortunately, it doesn't work the way you think it works.
It's your playerbase you're losing, not mine

The problem with losing stuff is not about us not doing anything about it (which is 50% true, I'll explain later). It is about the save mechanism not working like we want it to. Thing is, our devs are on it. But - we had a lot in queue before we spotted that problem and that needs to be finished first, because we can't just drop a half-finished patch. It is actually more complicated than that, but that is what it comes down to.

inb4 we're working on it (should have said this a long time ago)

The devs are working on it. Let that be the answer to the accusation that we don't do anything about it. 

Again, inb4 working on it.

Also, what you say is standing against the fact that the amount of donations are going up - and not down.
Well now there's a suprise. Gee, you got me there didn't you. Oshi- wait maybe it's because people are sick and tired of having to spend hours of there lives to afford a helicopter that gets unexplainably lost within seconds when all they need to do is throw RL money at you to get one at a reduced cost, alot quicker, thus wasting less of their time?

The fact that you say your friends will stay anonymous weakens the strength of your arguments a lot. Not only that there wouldn't be any repercussions (I mean, why?! Do you think we will ban you or something?!), it is also entirely baseless. There is literally no reason for those people to stay anonymous.
No actually, I have a mutual respect for people in that I won't go around throwing out there names without permission, and at the time of writing I couldn't be arsed to go around asking them all. Do I think you will ban me? You want me to answer that question? Don't think the community doesn't hear what you are like and what you do - Yes, you - Not Wilco. I won't get into that here as it's not my issue, obvious fag is obvious thanks to your shitty reply.

So let me just summarize this:

  • We are taking notes of players problems equally: Donators and Non-donators. A donation is an appreciation of a work been or being done. You did not buy "premium support". We do not offer that kind of stuff. All players are equal to us - and I think it's a good thing. 
  • We are checking the logs which takes a huge amount of time to go through. We are not yet compensating losses, because other people could just jump on the "I lost stuff"-train. Until we can identify these problems in a way that we can exclude "fakers" 100%, we won't compensate losses. I am not saying never, I am just saying not yet.
  • Making a huge claim (which you are doing. It is like "A lot is lost! Huge amounts of players affected! It's so big that you already lose players!") and then not coming forward is no help at all. You are trying to prove something here, without actually providing proof. You just gave us a rough number of people who apparently had the same problem. I am pretty sure that at least some people there got their stuff back by now (or at least the equivalent amount of money). Problem is: When a problem is solved, 99% of the people won't come back and say so. They will just enjoy playing and forget about their thread. 

"inb4 working on it"

In conclusion, I tend to close this thread and disregard it as "Whine", because you are not only exeggerating - you are also claiming something without proof. Yes, a save problem exists and we are on it. No, it doesn't affect as many players as you think (wish!?) it does. Most players are ignoring the server restart announcements or the waiting time on save data synchronization. And of course they won't admit it in the end. 
You'll find proof if you hit the "Back" button you self-entitled piece of shit. I'm telling you there's problems, and you wasn't doing ANYTHING about it until I put up this thread, LITERALLY NOTHING. The fact that you are now doing something OBVIOUSLY SHOWS THAT YOU KNEW YOU WERE IN THE WRONG. It's affected every-single-one of my friends, you can sugar coat it and down-play numbers all you like. Honestly, no wonder nobody likes you.

I like him... and the majority of the community like him.. I feel your comment was a bit rude

In terms of player reports I took on board what you have said and sorted that out into a new system with turnaround times people can bank on... it doesn't mean anyone was wrong!

This isn't a business, we are not making any money here the donation money is to keep the servers funded and on-line into the distant future so people can call this home!

We  put a hell of a lot of our own time into this community and considering the amount of people it serves on a daily basis i do not think we are doing that bad considering.

CJ this is what i have to say to you.

your arguement is invalid they work there asses 24/7 around to make the server fine fixing problems we showed.

as asdrubael said if there is something that have to been done on development its getting in a queue as they cant drop something they are currently working on.

just give it some time before they fix it!

so i would say this:

start to:


respect there work and there effort they put into it!

if dont just shut up and just stay away!

your choise KID!

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CJ, ruling out my responses doesn't make any sense. You can't start a discussion with someone and before he responds to that tell him "In before apologies, in before x, in before y". Thats no base to start this. The way you answered my post is - well, I'm not going down to that level. Whatever you think of me or whatever you think everyone thinks of me has nothing to do with the issue you are addressing.

You say we did nothing about it until you posted this. Apparently you didn't read my post, because I told you we were giving player something back once in a while (actually, when the logs have been very clear about it, which is very rare). Meaning: We took action, even before you posted this. 

If you reply now and it is going to be in the same manner as your previous post, I will ban you, because this kind of language is not tolerated here. And that has nothing to do with my attitude, it is just like that. 

CJ, ruling out my responses doesn't make any sense. You can't start a discussion with someone and before he responds to that tell him "In before apologies, in before x, in before y". Thats no base to start this. The way you answered my post is - well, I'm not going down to that level. Whatever you think of me or whatever you think everyone thinks of me has nothing to do with the issue you are addressing.

You say we did nothing about it until you posted this. Apparently you didn't read my post, because I told you we were giving player something back once in a while (actually, when the logs have been very clear about it, which is very rare). Meaning: We took action, even before you posted this. 

If you reply now and it is going to be in the same manner as your previous post, I will ban you, because this kind of language is not tolerated here. And that has nothing to do with my attitude, it is just like that. 
+1 from me

CJ - I like you - and I like Asdrubael too, for the record. I've roleplayed with you CJ, enjoyed it, and I'd hate to lose you (if you're thinking of leaving).

Suffice it to say... I'm one of the devs. Ostensibly the primary dev now. It's Mothers Day. All the same, I've been working on code for this server, whilst balancing time with my wife and two small boys. It's not easy. I'm not paid anything (there isn't enough in the donator pot yet) - I do this for love, and the hope that something wonderful may come. I've been part of the team for a mere week. So far, I've introduced a number of new things (some of which you may have seen and heard), and many of them are completely new code, unseen on any other server in the land (yet - you can bet they will be soon though). Tonight, I had been busting my balls on improved gun-type radar-detectors and spanking new radar systems in police vehicles, which do automatic ANPR, license-checking and wanted status checking, as well as flagging up speeders. It's hard. It takes around 5-minutes just to go through the cycle of uploading files, restarting servers, checking for clean compilation, and then spawning, downloading compressed client files, and then testing (only to find that one ';' character is stopping your target file from working and you have to start all over again).

I have only *very* recently been told that we have a possible problem regarding lost vehicles after restarts. I am now investigating this. It is possible it's 'finger-trouble' (i.e. players are simply not putting vehicles back into garages or getting them impounded, which results in the same thing) with enough time before the restart happens. It's possible they're not being 'stored' properly before the server cranks up again. It's possible the server is failing to reset a specific variable upon restart. It's possible the main game server is interacting with the restarts which occur on the development server (mad as it sounds, but it makes sense if you know the architecture, which I won't bore you with now). We've invested in another MYSQL server to rule out some of these issues, and I will be trying various things to first of all 'prove' the problem (in code terms), isolate it, and then hopefully prevent it from happening. The fact is, it's not simple, and will take some time. It is my joint top priority (wrapping up the ANPR code whilst it's 'in limbo' and fresh in my head, is still crucial, even though this is not a priority item compared to the vehicle-loss issue, which of course is a major concern to me).

Hopefully that will give you some comfort and confidence? Both of you guys, please chill. You're playing on your weekend. I'm not. I haven't had a night to bed before 4am for seven days, and my ears are beginning to think they're my eyes. Please, be patient. I *will* resolve this, if it's possible to resolve it. But like it is for all of us, pulling a magic rabbit out of my arse on the first attempt is always going to be sketchy. Just know that I'm on it, and money is being spent on extra kit behind the scenes to aid in that.


No ******* way detectors in the police cars, Wilco Asdrubael could you make an exception for police age limit and let me in im 15

The conversation has stopped here.

I am now moving this to the resolved forum.

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