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Hello my name is Alex i am banned from the server because i fucked around like a kid. I really wish i never fucked around since i love this server my friends is playing on it i am willing to donate some money to you guys if you unban me! I will never do somethin shitty like this again i will role play and play serious like evryone else! If i do something im not susposed to you can ban me. I feel like evryone needs a second chance and im really sorry. I know this is spam but i am really sorry for fucking arounds i just want to role play and have fun with my friends this is the last message i will send in the forum!
So now your trying to bribe us to unban you for being racially abusive ?

If it was just VDM we would of given you a second chance but as per the other posts the ban is perm, you overstepped the mark as per the video.

We never have and never will accept money for unbans.

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