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Admin killed me in a greenzone (Refused)

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Well-known member
In-game name:[bWSC] Frenando

Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561198175319835


What was lost: 2 mxm 2 6.5 suppersors 1 dms

Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total):218,000

Quick description of what happened:Admins thought it was funny to kill a lot of people in a GREENZONE which pisses me off that they can't follow the server rules. They rdm a bunch of people too. I really want to know why they thought it was ok to kill a bunch of people in the greenzone. Only admin I saw was ciaran please give me a answer why they thought it was funny to break there own rules.

If you was on server 2 then it was an EVENT... they were killing george and if you stood in the way that was nothing but your own fault.

Only admin there was Ciaran and they was acting as Police executing the worst Judge known to the island... If you wanted RP and didnt want to join in then A... you wouldnt of been on server 2 B... you wouldnt of been in the way of George when it was counted down in TS.

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