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Admin Ban, unaware why (Unbanned 22/12/2014)

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Hey there,

I tried logging in today and received the message "admin ban", to the best of my knowledge there shouldn't be a reason i'm banned. Just wondering whats going on and what the reason is or if it was possibly a mistake.



So i can view your private steam profile please accept my invite on steam a second, we will then go into why you was banned.

Thanks for doing that, Can see you havent had arma 3 long but you also have a long standing steam profile full of games which usually isnt associated to someone who would use scripts on the server.

The reason you was banned was because everyone on the server was killed and our logs pointed the finger....

_shells "
21.12.2014 23:29:55: Shadowyren (IP ADDRESS REMOVED) 9ca2faf7c49fc8e66ebc700e861b7886 - #1 " {{alive _x} count allUnits < 5};
_unit = "O_Soldier_VR_F" createUnit [markerPos _this, _grp, "if (dayTime < 1) then {this addWe"
21.12.2014 23:30:05: Shadowyren (IP ADDRESS REMOVED) 9ca2faf7c49fc8e66ebc700e861b7886 - #1 " {{alive _x} count allUnits < 5};
_unit = "O_Soldier_VR_F" createUnit [markerPos _this, _grp, "if (dayTime < 1) then {this addWe"
21.12.2014 23:45:54: [Gc] Zopp (IP ADDRESS REMOVED) d1231a209f6c10e008910e43fe916b5f - #8 "okeg setVectorUp (_Gvel call BIS_fnc_unitVector);
_smokeg setVelocity _Gvel;
_shells set [count _shells, _smokeg];
Do you have any idea what would of caused this, what apart from Arma 3 do you have running ?

I have razer cortex running to increase computer performance thats it. I did notice while i was joining a lot of people were being kicked off due to what looked like a dc/ high pings. would that  have caused deaths, could that have been me joining?

Unban approved, we will be watching you closely. GUID provided above. Moved to awaiting action.

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