AlfredW Wiki Editor Location Sweden Jun 16, 2020 #2 What the title says basically ^^^ Add the Bank ID you need for money transfers to the bank app to make it easier to find as the current system of looking through 70-100 players is really time consuming and frustrating
What the title says basically ^^^ Add the Bank ID you need for money transfers to the bank app to make it easier to find as the current system of looking through 70-100 players is really time consuming and frustrating
Mike Polo Developer Dev Team Los Santos Police Senior Gruppe 6 Location Republic of Ireland Aug 21, 2020 #3 @Alfred Wilson is having your id on the top left of the screen enough or would you like your suggestion to remain?
@Alfred Wilson is having your id on the top left of the screen enough or would you like your suggestion to remain?
AlfredW Wiki Editor Location Sweden Aug 21, 2020 #4 @Mike Polo the ID in the top right is just fine, consider this implemented