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Well-known member
Grove Gas
May be an unpopular opinion.

Most other popular servers do it to buy cars, apartments, car clean kits, private plates etc...

Use the money as a monetary incentive to get more devs to come to the server.

More devs = more content - especially since the crim update was nerfed.

Could do the server loads of good in my eyes.
Are we talking real life money people could pay to gain these things?
If so, BIG NO from me.

one of the things I enjoy about the server, is that you cannot buy your way to the top, you have to earn it, RP it.

Getting IRL money involved would absolutely ruin that.

Are we talking real life money people could pay to gain these things?
If so, BIG NO from me.

one of the things I enjoy about the server, is that you cannot buy your way to the top, you have to earn it, RP it.

Getting IRL money involved would absolutely ruin that.

i wasnt thinking game breaking things like buying in game £££, just some mid tier cars, apartments in the block at leigion, car wax to keep your car perm clean, license plates.

Just an idea that may attract more devs to provide more content.
i wasnt thinking game breaking things like buying in game £££, just some mid tier cars, apartments in the block at leigion, car wax to keep your car perm clean, license plates.

Just an idea that may attract more devs to provide more content.

"I wasn't thinking game breaking things...", Rather you buy money, or you buy big assets, ultimately it's the same at the end.
The only thing a Tebex store would be good for IMO would be things that didn't give you any advantage in character.
Like extra character slots.
Any asset should be earned and paid for in character.
"I wasn't thinking game breaking things...", Rather you buy money, or you buy big assets, ultimately it's the same at the end.
The only thing a Tebex store would be good for IMO would be things that didn't give you any advantage in character.
Like extra character slots.
Any asset should be earned and paid for in character.
Character slots is a good suggestion!
"I wasn't thinking game breaking things...", Rather you buy money, or you buy big assets, ultimately it's the same at the end.
The only thing a Tebex store would be good for IMO would be things that didn't give you any advantage in character.
Like extra character slots.
Any asset should be earned and paid for in character.
Having the means to purchase small worthless items such as select car(s) or as tommo says a wax or extra slots, This being a restricted assest So your IRL money/item cannot get converted to IG money or exchanged for other vehicles.
Massive -1 for anything regarding Irl money for ingame items. extra character slots would maybe be nice but thats about where the benfits end in my eyes, if people were able to get these mid tier cars or appartments do they still have to pay for them can they be scrapped?, think of the amount of chargebacks the server would get from people doing dumb stuff and losing their donator stuff then charging back when they realise they dont get another. If they do get another, you now have a balance issue of people can just never pay tickets and always use their donator car as they always get it back.

The main thing would be in my eyes very similar to what summer said
one of the things I enjoy about the server, is that you cannot buy your way to the top, you have to earn it, RP it.

Getting IRL money involved would absolutely ruin that.

Tebex should stay with frag servers on fivem i feel like adding any form of irl money for ingame items just works against the server and harms the quality more than it could ever benefit due to extra money coming in to support development.
Any asset should be earned and paid for in character.
I would love to agree however the fact is FiveM servers cost money to run. Although we still get healthy donations this is just whats required to keep the server alive.

With the removal of imports new Law friendly vehicles for example what Gabz is venturing into is the way forward for servers like ours to deep adding new assets to keep the server alive. Just the way the world works that this comes at a cost.

This isn't just fixed to vehicles, there are some very good in depth scripts out there with some amazing UI that could completely change the server. This is now a standard place on many servers because they have a small range of things that can be bought or incentivise donations.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of servers that take this too far eg Paid Unbans. However RPUK clearly isn't about to let that happen. However Small additions like additional character slots, custom plates or even for the ability to get personal/ gang clothing.

It not going to effect anyone time on the server. However the benefits it could provide behind the scenes and towards development personal outweigh a couple of people being unhappy someone else has a custom number plate.
I would love to agree however the fact is FiveM servers cost money to run. Although we still get healthy donations this is just whats required to keep the server alive.

With the removal of imports new Law friendly vehicles for example what Gabz is venturing into is the way forward for servers like ours to deep adding new assets to keep the server alive. Just the way the world works that this comes at a cost.

This isn't just fixed to vehicles, there are some very good in depth scripts out there with some amazing UI that could completely change the server. This is now a standard place on many servers because they have a small range of things that can be bought or incentivise donations.

Don't get me wrong there are plenty of servers that take this too far eg Paid Unbans. However RPUK clearly isn't about to let that happen. However Small additions like additional character slots, custom plates or even for the ability to get personal/ gang clothing.

It not going to effect anyone time on the server. However the benefits it could provide behind the scenes and towards development personal outweigh a couple of people being unhappy someone else has a custom number plate.
perfectly put
The only thing I think a tebdx for the server should offer would be for say prio qué but to do that you would need to lower the server cap, and maybe something like say a tweedle blu tick or something, it should never be something that would give you a one up on another player because then we are pay to win, so only stuff like
Prio connect and maybe something cosmetic
I would bet if you lowered the cap to say 250 then added a £5 prio it would get a good amount of purchase, if you have pay 100 and you get a car people will feel crappy as they would want that car but aren't paying for it
I would also note if people donate to a point where Devs are getting paid then the direction of the server could go massively AWOL as people will want to dictate I paid so I'd like this done, so for example think if all the crim players are donating they will more likely want things to be worked on that benefit them, and likely get annoyed when they get a changelog of police get 10 new ways to make your life as a Crim harder
I would also note if people donate to a point where Devs are getting paid then the direction of the server could go massively AWOL as people will want to dictate I paid so I'd like this done
People donate now and this doesn't happen. What RPUK does with excess donations whether that be buying scripts, assets or comping devs for hard work is completely up to them.
There is a whole suggestions page on the forums to discuss pros and cons of each suggestion for a reason. RPUK compensating devs wouldn't suddenly change this.

I feel people are looking at this suggestion in the eye of RPUK trying to become a cash cow. If a couple of people want to pay to change the number plate of their vehicle it makes absolutely no difference to anyone else on the server.

Its no surprise to anyone that development isn't what it was and people are always on about it, yet people are so oppose to one of the biggest opportunity to fix it and revamp the server just because they think it might ruin the server. RPUK is smart enough to do this properly without being able to "buy your way to the top"
If a couple of people want to pay to change the number plate of their vehicle it makes absolutely no difference to anyone else on the server.
You can already get your numberplates changed in RP If I'm not mistaken