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Ace Hunter is out for now

Eve Hunter

Well-known member
It is sad regarding that I am writing this lost property however due to becoming bored of Arma 3 roleplay and with being at University.  I will be leaving the Arma 3 server due to not having the time any more studying and drink takes up tons of time. I want to say thank you for everyone making my stay so great from the police, NHS , the government ( Staff ), civilian and Poseidon Cartel [SIZE=1.4rem]. Mostly like i will be on GTA 5 RP when it open to see how it is however until then farewell and if you get arrested by officers requested under human right act 1998 section 6 for lawyer if they don't give you it they are breaking the law. [/SIZE]


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It’s 2040, that was overruled by the trusted policeman act 2030 which allows officers to act without a judicial system 😉.

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This isn't me btw XD - cya Other Ace, good luck with everything 🙂
