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Abusing his power? (Denied)

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Well not much to say really, Vladic Ka banned me for so called VDM when yes I did hit someone but they ran in front of me I was clearly on the road was completely Ignorant to what I had to say.. Also got me killed just to prove some point which obviously is nothing...

I feel like I was completely unjustified... 

You can see you honk your horn and then move over to get more of them.

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Come on man they seem to have a laugh about it on the video so why can't you? I thought this was a tight community, you could of at least dragged me back to them I would of happily said sorry, Instead you banned me straight away which I think was a bit unfair, I'll admit I could of swerved out the way but Instead I just stayed straight on the road too see if they'd move, It was all in good humor, I don't see why you banned me straight away for it...

Come on man they seem to have a laugh about it on the video so why can't you? I thought this was a tight community, you could of at least dragged me back to them I would of happily said sorry, Instead you banned me straight away which I think was a bit unfair, I'll admit I could of swerved out the way but Instead I just stayed straight on the road too see if they'd move, It was all in good humor, I don't see why you banned me straight away for it...
 Rule 4A: Safe Zones

VDM = Instant Ban (We have a anti VDM script however running people over for fun is banable and considered VDM)

Good effort. I would have done the same. You clearly went out of your way in order to run someone over. Even if someone is on the road, you don't continue to VDM them, you slow down to avoid them or drive around them, not into them.

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My point isn't that I've done something wrong I know that, I just didn't think it would of been taken that seriously at the time, I see people get VDM'd all the time are you going to ban all of them? I just thought it was a bit silly, could of warned me to not do it again maybe then I'd understand extensively... 

At the end of the day I suppose I don't have a say in anything, it will only get disregarded cause I'm only a small time member, I have been on this server since around the beginning of this year, It just annoys me the thought of getting banned over the smallest of things, I think the admins need to be more mature in their banning decisions, rules are rules, I get that, but try to think if you was in my shoes, 2 seconds of a laugh can get me banned for a lifetime? for me that's way out of proportion, maybe If i VDM'd a cop to get away, or VDM'd someone to gain an advantage over them in a combat situation, but tagging a few civilians which then decide to laugh about it, bare in mind I died straight after surely that would of been a fair punishment, 99% of my time on the server I'm within the server rules ever since my first ban, I was super careful on the things I did which gave players who weren't an advantage over me, I'm constantly getting RDM'd, VDM'd and Killed in a role playing situation just for being too careful..

It sucks to think people don't consider another persons perspective, hopefully we can forget about it and have a decent new years without conflict....

Ok lets think of it from the perspective of the guys you VDM'd for you "having a laugh". For all you know they were in the middle of a roleplay that you completely and totally disrupted for a couple of giggles. Rules are rules. You break them. You get banned.

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Ok you obviously don't get that you have done anything wrong here.


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