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[ABH] Jakey (Action: Ban Issued 23/09/2014)

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Retired Troll. Human. Not religious. Occasionally
Lincolnshire, UK
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
{ABH} Jakey
Time & Date this happened:
Approx 10PM on 22/09/2014
Description of what happened:
Jakey killed SGT Fuel and was apprehended by Simpan - He was being transported to Athira jail from Pygros and combat logs at 40 secs in to the video to avoid doing time. He then joined 1 minute later (1:52 in the vid.) - He did this a number of times through the duration of the evening but I was actually present for this one. (I understand that Simpan drives like a mad man but there is no need to combat log!)
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
No - I'm still learning the ropes as a noob CSO!
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)

I do of course have the vid in it's entirety if needed. But I don't want to take up a load of time for what is clear combat logging. That little turd.

linked report:

This guy is scum.
The kid is a douche. He shot Fuel on sight then argued the toss about paying a fine instead of doing time and that it was our fault, blah, blah, blah. 

It makes a good case for the server being over 16 only - Or if your nuts have not descended then you are not welcome. Squeaky voices would be banned. Period. 9 times out of ten that roleplay is shit or they want to vdm / rdm and then get butthurt when it does not go their way... They are an irritating little kid. 

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