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AAN News: Mayor Wongcheng Dedicated to Cleaning Up Altis Corruption


AAN World News: Mayor Wongcheng has declared that he will clean up the corruption that has found its way throughout the island nation's government.


Above: Mayor Wongcheng is prepared to do whatever it takes to clean up the island's corruption.

Credit: Zilonis, AAN World News

After an incident earlier today where Mayor Wongcheng entered a standoff with local police forces, we had an opportunity to sit down with him and speak about what he views as the major issues plaguing the island. During the interview, we were joined by an unnamed police constable who provided insight into how the island's government has been handling these problems.

According to Mayor Wongcheng, the police force of the island has been plagued with corruption that has lead to the life of countless Altis citizens being put in unnecessary danger. During the standoff, multiple civilians were injured, while the police did little beyond verbal warnings to try and keep them away. Our very own correspondent, Zilonis, was shot during this incident and has stated that the police's efforts to keep everyone safe were "insufficient".

The unnamed police officer who partook in this interview claims that Mayor Wongcheng is "corrupt" and the root cause of the island's problems. According to him, the mayor has done nothing to prevent violence on the island. During this conversation, we learned that earlier in the day Mayor Wongcheng had been kidnapped, and the police constable admitted to "hiding" during the incident. The constable also admitted that the police has no real power on the island and that the gangs and rebels are the ones truly in control.

With the apparent dysfunction within the island nation's police force, as well as their inability to handle the rampant violence that has been spreading throughout the island, now may be the perfect time for Mayor Wongcheng's new stance. While the police have done little to clean up the lack of weapon control and influx in illegal drug processing on the island, Mayor Wongcheng has evidently been taking steps to do exactly this.


Above: Mayor Wongcheng defends himself from unknown assailants.

Credit: Zilonis, AAN World News

Do you or someone you know live on Altis and have experienced this first hand? We would like to hear from you! Contact Zilonis any time via email at Zilonis@AANWorldNews.Arma or by phone at 07700 900077.

Im here to unite the people and fight the coruption. Im the mayor who Will fight for the people Im not corrupt the police say that because They Dont want things to change for there own bennefit.
