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A story of Luke's lifes


Active member
United Kingdom
It was a cold dark winter night in the land of Altis. I was 19 years of age when it all happend I was born and raised in the rebel lands of Sofia. When i was only 6 the UNMC took over Sofia and the surrounding area. I remember playing tag with my friends in Sofia park but now its just a place where UNMC hang out, smoke weed and make a lot of noise. I often here gun fire coming from the Checkpoint. I try to ignore it but in the back of my head i know what would be going on there. I am unable to take all of this extreme chaos there is in Sofia now. I miss the days when it was peaceful and i could walk out my door and speak to people to people with out fear.

Now after 13 years of the UNMC having control of the boarder the Police force have given up trying to take it back as they are loosing far to many men. The current state of Altis is scary. Civilians are walking around with Rifles and Hobos are robbing people with Rooks. The Police are unable to protect the themselves so they certainly can not protect the civilians of Altis. So i now feel its time for a fresh start so I am wanting to move to the island of Tanoa. I have done my research on the island and the government and it looks like such a better place and aslo much safer. I am only 19 so its best to move now while i am still young than to move when i am old and have Family.  
