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A Letter


Well-known member
You find yourself walking down the back streets of the Lotus city (Kavala) when you spot a thrown away piece of paper with an unknown wax stamp. You decide to look at it.

Citizens of Lotus

Welcome to the beautiful and blooming city of Lotus,

You found yourself in the most wonderful city on the island and to keep it this way we need everyone to behave civilized. Shall you be seen robbing, killing, kidnapping or commiting any other crimes towards a person in our city, you will be tracked down, found and executed. If any of these actions happened to you by any civilians or any other wrong doing has been commited by the police, you can and should reach out to us and we will assist you with your needs - whether it is just kidnapping, extracting some information, trafficking a person around the island or even if you just want to get rid of someone once and for all - we are here to do it for you.

You can reach out to us here.

Remember, while in the city of Lotus you are being watched at all times.

Lotus HQ - to anyone who finds this letter



You decide to put the letter back where you found it for others to see as you feel like there are plenty more letters scattered around the city that are yet to be discovered.

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