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Last night The Privateers had the honour of providing support to Island of  Altis's finest PD.​
A call was raised that Her Majesty's Treasury was under attacked and after being asked to provide over watch we swung into action.​

Boarding the Altis PD WY-55 Hellcat after our call to arms


Aboard the Altis PD WY-55 Hellcat


Crossing The Altris straight towards our target



Contact any users with the [pT] tag.
“If no one else can help maybe you can hire”
The Privateers!
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This was after you took ages to sell your fish then fell in the water & eventually managed to sort yourself out & get in the blooming thing.

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I do enjoy the idea that you guys are rebel police kinda working in and outside the law but I have been hearing reports from a couple of rebel groups of some of your members RDMing other rebels then getting police to clear your names with a £1 fine.

I have never experienced this myself so don't know if it's true or not but I've heard a few people talking about it.

Also some advice, keep away from most rebel groups, your cooperation with the police has caught a lot of attention and lots of people don't like it, just watch your asses out there.

A fake pig is still a pig when you see them through your scope.

Disclaimer : This comment is brought to you in the pretence of RP and is not to be taken as an insult to or by anyone involved either fictitous or real.


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I do enjoy the idea that you guys are rebel police kinda working in and outside the law but I have been hearing reports from a couple of rebel groups of some of your members RDMing other rebels then getting police to clear your names with a £1 fine.

I have never experienced this myself so don't know if it's true or not but I've heard a few people talking about it.

Also some advice, keep away from most rebel groups, your cooperation with the police has caught a lot of attention and lots of people don't like it, just watch your asses out there.
We are a neutral group & will work both with the rebels & police we do not seek confrontation but are more than able to look after ourselves.

For instance If someone wants us to escort them whilst you they are doing a drugs run be it rebel, civ or off duty copper we will do it for a fee. Would you like us to watch out for someone who you are looking for drop us a line we will oblige. 

You need someone to start a diversion whilst you rob the bank look no further we are more than happy to help for a cut of the profits.

If we get contacted by the police to provide security in Athira whilst the rebels attack Kavala if the price is right consider it done.

We are not in like Flynn with the Feds in fact we have even kidnapped a couple when it suited our purpose & I would not dream of doing that to a rebel after all there is no profit in it.

As for the RDM I have heard stories about your group as well lets face it people get the hump when they get robbed, it is a subjective thing! We all like being the robbers but none of us like to be robbed.

If I tell you to do as your told or you will be shot then you don't do as your told & I shoot you is that RDM? No but I bet half the server would cry foul! You know as well as I do the RDM thing gets thrown around a lot , anyway Wilco would ban our asses if we RDM,ed everone we met.

The £1 fine thing yea we have a couple of ex-coppers on the payroll but I pretty sure they would have said something, they would have boasted about it.

Thing is give me proof & we will deal with it in house this is nothing less than I would expect from any other group. 

We have traded with Civs given them guns for a set of NV goggles for instance when we could not be bothered to go to town they are probably safer around us than a lot of the Rebels you meet especially the independent ones. We met a couple of those the other night they shot Price without warning & when we came to help they tried to run us over with their Ifrit but they would not get out! After a while they left town but we tracked them to the Northern rebel base & we ambushed them taking them both out. Who was guilty of RDM there?

We went on a fishing trip last night & had a nice long chat they know what is expected of them & have agreed to certain terms of employment so no more random acts of violence.

Anyway I am not trying to start another thread war I was just trying to state my case.

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I'm not stating by any means that you RDM and get the charge removed, I'm just telling you what I've been told by other gangs.

We have had a couple of confrontations but have managed to sort something out, we still hate some of your members but are not too bothered by it at the moment.

Also about the thing for working on both sides rebel and police, you gang has got te nickname police rebels so your not really considered a rebel group as such anymore your more considered not by the book police squad.

I think you need to stop working with the police for a while, your getting a bad name for yourselves among the other rebels.


As far as I recall we have only been involved with the rozzers once which was last night & all we really did was con our way into getting a lift in a Hellcat. :rolleyes:  In fact last Friday we had half the force chasing us.

Anyway I was think after reading your Athira attack post it would have been great if when your member got caught if someone like us were there to act as middle men to secure the release of the prisoner without confrontation.

I know on this occasion it worked out but if negotiations had broken down it could have cost you in men & materiel. (Think role play)

This would have been a great role playing opportunity for all concerned the police have their negotiators who do the rebels have? 

Just a thought.

I'm not stating by any means that you RDM and get the charge removed, I'm just telling you what I've been told by other gangs.

We have had a couple of confrontations but have managed to sort something out, we still hate some of your members but are not too bothered by it at the moment.

Also about the thing for working on both sides rebel and police, you gang has got te nickname police rebels so your not really considered a rebel group as such anymore your more considered not by the book police squad.

I think you need to stop working with the police for a while, your getting a bad name for yourselves among the other rebels.
This is definitely news to me and as my esteemed colleague pointed out we'd quickly nip this in the bud!

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I had some new person come onto me after getting RDMed and he was asking if I knew the Police rebels so he could hire them.

And I will admit yea if it happens I may message you to ask for a negotiator if we need one.

I had some new person come onto me after getting RDMed and he was asking if I knew the Police rebels so he could hire them.

And I will admit yea if it happens I may message you to ask for a negotiator if we need one.
Nice one dude, and nice running into you and the crew tonight  ;)

Yea, too bad my night sucked, RDMed once, someone attempted to RDM us but we slaughtered them so I think they learned they're lesson.

Then VDMed when we lowered our guns and tried to engage in comms, video will be up tomorrow of that.
