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A Brand New Life for Cristián Delgado


Lincoln, UK
Cristián Delgado. Well, that's my new name, with my new identity. My past name was- actually, I won't tell you that. It's a secret.

I was born in Sant Antoni de Portmany, on the island of Ibiza in Spain, on the 17th of February, 2001. I had always done well in school, and always pursued knowledge. I even learned Polish to a conversational level when the Internet came out. As I grew, I got more rebellious. Drinking, going to parties, but I never did drugs. I did everything as soon as I legally could. On my 18th birthday I went out to buy a bottle of vodka just for me. I also got my driving license the next week. Although maybe it was a bad idea to mix the drinking with the driving...

After being involved in speeding, drunk driving, and a lethal car accident because of it, I was charged with 2 counts of manslaughter. A couple of days before my court date, on the 9th of January, 2020, a friend told me he knew a guy. I changed my identity and moved here, to Altis, where there is no extradition treaty with Spain, so even if my past identity was discovered, I still could not be arrested, all the while it being a fairly... well, not poor country.

I have left my friends and family. I have left my house. I have left my car. I have left all documents and proof of education that I had. I have left my past identity. It is literally a brand new life.

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