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~2500 Pounds build, need help


Well-known member
So, this summer i shall use a rather large sum of money, approx 2500 pounds, all of this will go for a PC, not pc, screen etc, but just the PC.

If anyone has some good tech skills, please contact me <3

Would like help with a 4k Build.

The cost can be pushed to 3000 Pounds.

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I have already built up a nice build @CMO Lharmon do you mind me sharing out the spec sheet I made for you?

So, this summer i shall use a rather large sum of money, approx 2500 pounds, all of this will go for a PC, not pc, screen etc, but just the PC.

If anyone has some good tech skills, please contact me <3

Would like help with a 4k Build.

The cost can be pushed to 3000 Pounds.
Hi Omli :). Maybe you should try a X99 motherboard, with a 5960x, or 4960k <---- Both of these are very good, but 5960x has 8 cores, but around 3.7ghz, and the 4960k has 4 cores and around 4ghz? For GPU def 980ti sli, or titan x. Probs 16-64gb is good :)

Hope i helped!


Hi Omli :). Maybe you should try a X99 motherboard, with a 5960x, or 4960k <---- Both of these are very good, but 5960x has 8 cores, but around 3.7ghz, and the 4960k has 4 cores and around 4ghz? For GPU def 980ti sli, or titan x. Probs 16-64gb is good :)

Hope i helped!

4690k with 4K monitor? c'mon now... it's 2016 and he has a 2500 pound budget. and the 4690k runs at 3.5 ghz not 4ghz. Also the 4690k isn't even compatible with the x99.

I think 5690x is overkill.. the cpu alone is like 1000 eu. not everyone has rich parents like you @TacticalPanda :p

If you really want to spend that money do it but i would just go for a 4790k.

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Sorry this build shall remain unknown for the meantime

4690k with 4K monitor? c'mon now... it's 2016 and he has a 2500 pound budget. and the 4690k runs at 3.5 ghz not 4ghz. Also the 4690k isn't even compatible with the x99.

I think 5690x is overkill.. the cpu alone is like 1000 eu. not everyone has rich parents like you @TacticalPanda :p

If you really want to spend that money do it but i would just go for a 4790k.

When i said the 4960k i really ment the 4790k :p

And i would go for the 5960x :)

I responded to your status update mate, i'm pretty much out of action today (1st Jan). Drop me a PM with all the details of what you ideally want, how you plan to use the PC, any job/work considerations if it's not just for gaming, and all the rest and we can draw something up.

Cheers for the tags @Ronnie Pickering and @Howl
