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2 request. Sorry :P (Completed 22/11/2014)

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Well-known member
In-game name: Olle-Theodor

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198026933410
What was lost: Sorry my bad i now found out that i had all my licenses and skill points

Value of item/money lost:

Rebel licsense 500k

Truck 20k

Boat 10k

Pilot 20k

When this happend i had my rebelgear on that is 17k and my Zafir im a donator so thats only 60k.

All Repair skills 1-3

Nourshied 1-2

I also had driving but thats cheap so i dont care about that one.

Total: 657k

Quick description of what happened: It was this bug that when i logd in i dident have anything left.

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