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£8 Million in game giveaways!

Dear Roleplay.co.uk players

I will be giving away 50k in game money when I hit 50 followers on twitch!

I almost exclusively stream roleplay on this server, so  to give something back, i will be picking one of my 50 followers to receive this award when I hit 50 followers!


Why 3mil and 50k and not just 3mil?

Nvm, i found out why :D

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James is at 50 now, hell be doing a draw and what not and reaching out to the winner as ap

U guys make sure to go in and subscribe to @James_W12345 on twitch! 

He deliveres good RP, and its enjoyable to watch he's sessions!!

ALERT**     Prize is now up to £4 million in game cash!!

Drawing my £4 mil in game giveaway, LIVE on twitch, 8pm UK time. Make sure you are followed to enter! 

Be sure you tune in to check if you are a winner!!


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James, when do you want the $$$$$$$ , My 2 mills in yeah? 
Yer mate, if thats still good. Maybe on wednesday if you are on? Im just drawing the winners on wednesday, i guess ill have to organise when to give it to them in game.

unless theres a way I can transfer it to them without being in game?

Well the prizes have been drawn!! 

First Prize: £ 4 Mil - Rayzarr         (aka  [BDM] Rays )

Second Prize: £2.5 Mil - Tallted

Third Prize: £1.5 Mil - jamzio12341080p    (aka @James Blezard)

Congrats to the winners!   Since people's Twitch name is different to their Roleplay names, could RayZarr and Tallted whisper me on Twitch so I can organise getting the money to them!

Thanks to all those who have followed, and to those who tuned in for the prizes!                                   Keep an eye out for my 100 follower giveaway!

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