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£500k from kidnapping Killer Rabbit.

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Lord SanDisk

Well-known member
Boston - UK
Just logged on and don't have the £500k in my bank from the kidnapping of killer rabbit :(

Hook a lord up!

Out of RP

Everyone suffers from loss of earnings/loot now and then, I made sure I synced data and even waiting a good 10 mins before logging out but hand on heart the earnings are not there from last night antics, remember getting them then we all bugged out towards the donator camp and the plan was to share the spoils tonight.

I'm quite easy going and don't mind the loss of virtual currency so I think the best way to go about this is to get admin to grant you the £500k. 


I'm sure if we desire to kidnap any of the police force ... We will. 

Watch your back, The house of Lord SanDisk often requires sacrifice of the highest order to show dominance over the other rebel scum and show the people of Altis I am this lands rightful heir, my forefathers where dictators and I intend to follow suit! 

Those who wish to stand in our way will feel my regal hand touch the innocents.

Good day

BASTARD! I want my share sandisk...I had to sit and listen to you for an hour, felt like I was being kidnapped!

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