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  1. J

    Unban Appeal - john johnson1 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: john johnson Steam ID: 76561199575600531 Ban ID (just the numbers): 1933711 Ban Reason: PEGI Why do you think you were banned: made a mistake while speaking to an admin Why should we unban you: hello roleplay.co.uk staff i hope you are all well i am writing today...
  2. J

    Unban Appeal - john johnson1 - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: john johnson Steam ID: 76561199575600531 Ban ID (just the numbers): 1933711 Ban Reason: PEGI Why do you think you were banned: made a mistake while speaking to an admin Why should we unban you: hello roleplay.co.uk staff i hope you are all well i am writing...