Right now is really a difficult time to point out exactly what the problem is... Because in my opinion it has absolutely nothing to do with the lack of consequences, if anything it's the exact opposite.
At this current moment in time police are (in my opinion) EXTREMELY overpowered after the...
The decrease in tablet size is in my opinion the wrong way to add risk to fighting a established gang. Newer gangs will struggle significantly with putting up a fight against established gangs and i don't think that's the right way to do things.
The tablet size immediately makes non-whitelisted...
I'm all for decreasing the cap for members in tablet down to 15 or 20 but doing it exclusively to non-whitelisted gangs doesn't make sense to me. The argument that non whitelisted gangs tend to bring worse roleplay and are just created for fragging purposes isn't right to me, i believe a lot of...
As far as i know this server like many other FiveM servers are driven by a loyal playerbase with multiple characters. I think if a change to this rule was implemented we'd see a big hit on gang activity in the city and like it or not gang activity is a major part of this community.
While i see...
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ricky Strand
Reported Players: 833 and 829
Date: Jan 5, 2025
Time: 01:30
What best describes this incident: G1.5: Power gaming, combat-storing: Forcing a scenario where no matter the roleplay of the other party you will win; G2.4: Value of Life: At all times...