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  1. D

    Compensation Request - d3nnis. - GTA RP

    Character Name: Dennis Hunter Character ID: 111395 Steam ID: 76561198367712846 Game: GTA RP Date: Oct 14, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: When Gambling, it started bugging i tpd from dealer to dealer. after that i stand up and sit down again when my money got charged twice + i won and...
  2. D

    Report a player - 973 - GTA RP

    As i See this Situation, he tried to ,,Headbutt'' you with a Emote which does clearly nothing. and even if it would do minimal Damage. Theres no reason to Drive him over. (G1.1) Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM) Using your vehicle as a weapon (Running players over, causing explosions, ramming...