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  1. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    No its from a few years ago that I use as a profile picture for everything and I see no issue with having this as my profile picture, Can i ask what issue you have with this?
  2. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Its some image from 2019 that i took from Twitter or Instagram and I used it as my profile picture for almost everything. I've had it as my discord profile picture for like 5 years now and I use it for other things as well. is there a problem with it?
  3. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Hey @Danoo thanks for your response If I get unbanned I plan to do a few things involving the characters I have as well as for myself: 1. I want to put some focus on first rejoining both police and Gruppe 6 as I lost both roles after being banned, I want to put the effort into progressing in...
  4. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Good evening @Danoo As I have mentioned before, this incident was a major lapse of judgement and something I dont intend to repeat again, in the many months I have been on the server, I have made sure to follow server rules and this is simply an outlier of this. I can assure you that if I am...
  5. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Good Evening, Thanks for your quick response again Tbh there wasn't really much intention behind me making this tweedle post besides just poking fun at an OCG i am not the biggest fan of I wont lie, I made the post in relation to the reaction given by Ballas to the hence the name of the account...
  6. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Good evening, thanks for your reply, apologies for the delay to my response. I believe i should be given a second chance to play on the server because I have been part of the community for around 7 months and this is the first time Ive been in major trouble with staff or received a ban, I...
  7. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Good evening mate, cheers for your response I started lying at the start because I admit, I thought I would get away with it, in the end though I did end up to admitting to doing it but that was only after being proved that I was lying. I do actually regret doing it and It was reallv immature...
  8. Jimmmm

    Unban Appeal - Jimmmm - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Oran Hill Steam ID: 76561199013292392 Ban ID (just the numbers): 16860 Ban Reason: G3.1 OOC Information G3.5 Character Seperation Why do you think you were banned: I posted a tweedle on my crim character after finding out about something that happened to a...