I plan on using 2 characters
my main on will be darius rucker
He flew in from manchester uk after loosing his mum he doesnt no his dad he left when he was a kid. i want to start a new life meeting new people i am kind of a bad man i was known around my old town for dealing and kidnapping i...
Good morning @Danoo I just really wanted to get back onto the server and didn't know what else to do I really enjoy the server and I have really missed playing I just want another chance and you will not see me in this part of the forum ever again
Afternoon @Danoo
If there is anything I can do to get back on the server I will do it if I need to stay on my mr Ross for abit I will do and get higher in the solicitor firm I will do it
This was one of the biggest mistakes I have probably made I am not trying to get sympathy but since having to leave work in Jan with ill health the people on the server where amazing to talk to but since being off for the last month I have been lost
Thank you @Danoo
I would do my best not to log off at all I would just leave my pc on till it timed me out or maybe make a ticket and try to speak to a admin before even considering doing anything like this again
Yes I did say that in the first appeal and I shouldn't of said it I just wanted to get back on the server I am the one that made the mistake it was all my fault its not the I had no motive I made a mistake It was like 5am there was no one on and I knew that I wouldn't get help off NHS at the...
Good morning
I just didn't think at the time I was gonna come back on later on In the day when there was more people on and I knew I had more chance of getting nhs I am really sorry it will never happen again if you let me back on the server I had no reason to do it I had no money that I...
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: darius rucker
Steam ID: 76561198042106075
Ban ID: 16048
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: logged off while dead I really shouldn't off and I am sorry
Why should we unban you: good morning
I really hope you are all well. I just want to first...
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: darus rucker
Steam ID: 76561198042106075
Ban ID: 16048
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: logged off while dying when i shouldnt of
Why should we unban you: good morning
I really hope you are all well. I just want to first of by saying I am...
Unban Appeal for adamrobbo21
In-game Name: Darius rucker
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561198042106075
Ban ID: !!rpuk16048!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Logged while dead
Why should we unban you ?: I was driving and I...